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Dream about worm coming out of foot

Dream about Worm Coming Out Of Foot states acknowledgement of a higher power. You are looking for some spiritual guidance and fulfillment. You are feeling calm. This dream denotes your ability to offer your help and assistance to others. You have let go of the past and are ready to move on and fully devote yourself to new relationships.

Worm in your dream is about your simplistic needs and desires. You may be trying to find a resolution to a situation. Some of your conservative views are in conflict with your liberal and wild side. This dream is a message for loneliness. Your manifestation may be your way of escaping from reality.

Come dream is a harbinger for the results of your hard work and the fruits of your labor. Power or impotence, depending on the situation. You may be trying to seek out new meanings to life. The dream is a sign for your desire to escape from your daily demands and problems. You are making a rash decision.

Foot in this dream symbolises losing hope. You are just hanging in where you are. Perhaps your strength or power is being divided. Your dream is an evidence for your inflated ego. You need to be more giving and charitable.

Dreams about worms coming out of the foot often symbolize physical discomfort. In your dream, the sensation of a worm emerging from your foot might reflect a period of unease or discomfort in your waking life. This could be a sign that you are experiencing some sort of physical ailment or discomfort that needs attention. While the shock of such a dream might initially be alarming, it is a testament to your resilient character that you are seeking to understand its meaning. Take this as a gentle reminder from your subconscious to prioritize your physical health and address any discomfort you may be experiencing. By seeking medical advice or simply taking measures to take care of your body, you can overcome any physical obstacles that stand in your way and continue to thrive.

Dreaming of Worm and Come and Foot

Dream About Worms Coming Out Of Me is sometimes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. You are going around in a loop. You may be concerned about fitting into society’s ideals of beauty. The dream suggests an unrest within your subconscious that needs your immediate attention. You have successfully completed your transformation.

Dream About Worm In Foot symbolises repression and descent back into your subconscious. Your abilities and talents are going unnoticed. You need to make your presence known and your voice heard. The dream is sometimes neighborliness, comfort and companionship. You are having difficulties integrating love and emotions.

Dream about Worm Coming Out Of Foot symbolises acceptance of who you are. You are mugging for attention. You should take a chance. Your dream refers to tradition, family and togetherness. You feel that time is passing you by.

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Jad T

I was in a car and my foot was beginning to feel a little sore, it felt like a pimple was about to burst on the top of my foot. Thats when a light green worm/snake dashed out of my foot and it looked like it was trying to run away. I remember someone in the car grabbed it so it doesn’t escape. It had a head similar to a cobra and a very short tale. When i looked at my foot while standing up there was a perfect straight hole with no blood, and I was able to see the ground under my foot.


I was walking down the sidewalk and noticed a snake (I think a rattlesnake) hurriedly slithering away from me. I have a lot of snake dreams but I wasn’t scared or concerned with it in this dream besides noticing it was getting away from fast unlike in my other dreams. So, I glance down and notice a clear/white tapeworm like worm with just a little bit burrowed into my right foot on the side nearest my pinky toe. I calmly reached down and grabbed it by its head and yanked it out.


I had a dream where I had woken up in the morn8ng and I was about to climb down from my high bed until I started to squeeze white worms from out of my skin under the toe nail


I was somehow floating out at sea lost. No land was anywhere around, or very far in the distance, and then suddenly there was land close by. The atmosphere was grey and kinda foggy. I began to swim to the land. Upon pulling myself out of the water. I noticed a worm or a creature digging into a whole in the heel of my foot (both feet). I pulled it out, it didnt hurt, I dont remember feeling anything. I looked in the hole and there were more inside laying down looking up at me (they were green).


Dreamt of pulling worm out of my left big toe and crushed it to pieces…


Dreaming about getting rid of worm out of my son’s foot. He got a wound under his foot and I was healing his foot getting rid of the worms with alcohol and other tools.


I see 4 worm moving under my skin in my right foot, also I see a big worm entrance in my right side foot but i didnt feel anything. I run to my father and i wake up.


I was in the middle of a lake late at night swimming and enjoying my time. Later on my foot began go feel funny and I looked at it and there were open woods with white worms and I was pulling on them to remove it and got one out. Was not in pain but grossed out by the scene. I left one in because it couldn’t come out.

Andy Walker

What if the worm was burrowing into your big toe, you tried to grip it to pull it out, but it was getting further and further into the toe? Woke up before it completely burrows into toe. Thanks


Worms coming out of My Left Big Toe