Dream about White Pickup Truck symbolises chaos. You will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new level of prominence and status. You are always willing to help others. This dream points to passion and intensity. You need to open up yourself to love.
White in your dream points to a life situation where you are being put on the defensive. You are sizing someone up. You are trying to balance your intellectual/mental nature with your physical nature. Your dream symbolises support and protection. You are thinking about marriage or some serious long-term commitment/project/situation.
Pickup in your dream is a symbol for feelings of hopelessness about some situation or circumstance. You need to rid yourself of the toxic influences in your life. You need to trust your intuition and animal instincts. This dream is a symbol for male aggression and masculinity. A new project or idea is coming to fruition.
Truck in this dream is sometimes harmony and mutual understanding in your domestic sphere. You are feeling out of place in some situation. You are having difficulties in achieving your goals and accepting the changes associated with it. The dream signifies your sense of belonging or the lack of. Some of the projects will prove your counterproductive side.
Dreaming of White and Pickup and Truck
Dream About White Truck indicates respect, reverence and admiration. You are moving forward in the right direction. You are being modest. This dream is a message for your need to expand your knowledge and explore your limits. There is something that you can no longer keep inside and have to express.
Dream About Pickup Truck is a hint for your position of prominence and distinction. Perhaps it is a relationship that you need to let go of. You need to set some time for fun and relaxation. The dream expresses something you are unwilling to confront. You are looking for something.
Dream about White Pickup Truck symbolises your need to lean on others for help. You are seeking spiritual nourishment or just conversation. You need to establish a rhythm and have more control in your life. This dream refers to some imbalance and disharmony in your life. Fortune and pleasure are within near reach.
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An ex pulled in my yard with a white pickup truck that was acting up and wouldn’t start again. He barged in my house demanding my tools so he could go see another woman. I said, you stole my tools(he did steal my tools in real life). And that a marriage is about building trust, not going off to see another woman. I began to act hard instead of hurt. I told him in the dream, if you can find someone else, so can I. Then I woke up. We’ve been separated for eight years but he has a new family now.