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Dream about white lady

Dream about White Lady is an omen for your need for emotional and spiritual healing. You are disinterested in a person and what he/she have to say. You need to relax and take it easy. Your dream is an evidence for your generosity. You need to pay more attention to what people are telling you and conveying to you.

White Lady is about a desire to reveal more of yourself. You are in tune with your surroundings. Someone in your life is taking credit for your work. Your dream states your creativity and imagination. You are unwilling to change and evolve with the times.

The dream about the white lady symbolizes your deep curiosity and desire for knowledge. This dream suggests that you are someone who constantly seeks answers and enjoys taking the path less traveled. The white lady represents an enigmatic figure, embodying the mysteries of life that you are eager to unravel. Your surprise in this dream reflects your genuine passion for exploring the unknown, and it is a testament to your adventurous spirit. Embrace this curiosity, for it will lead you to discover new and exciting opportunities in your waking life. Continue to approach life with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge, as it is these traits that make you a true intellectual and source of inspiration for others.

Dreaming of White and Lady

White in your dream indicates evenness, sharing, cooperation, equal rights and opportunities for all. Perhaps, you are lacking attention from others and are feeling neglected. You have a tendency to jump from one thing to another. Your dream suggests your fear of change and your ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. You need to reevaluate the negativity you have towards an enemy.

Lady in dream hints social conformity and mass action. You have not learned from your past life lessons or previous mistakes. You are being punished for your actions. This dream is a message for restrictions and limitations. You need a break from the monotony.

Dream about both “White” and “Lady” points to a lack of creativity. You are unable to escape from some relationship. You have not earned or deserved to be in this position you are at currently. This dream is an alert for a failed relationship or a failed business endeavor. You are numb from fear.

Dream about white lady is a signal for your feelings of insecurity and reveals your struggles with some situation. You are motivated by personal gains over community goals. You may feel alienated by society. Your dream is a portent for hope and happiness. There is an aspect of yourself that has yet to be acknowledged or utilized.

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I was inside bus with many white women and they are talking to me with my language telling to double my hustle, and they are having other conversation with themselves


Saw I was in harmony with a white lady when some group of tax collector with the president of my country came to ambush us, dragged me out at gun point and recruited me against my Will. Whenever I tried to be linear with tax payers they threatened to shoot me so I became radical to stay alive. They killed people who lied and robbed them


I saw a white lady in my dream. She had black hair. She was wearing white button down formal shirt with black underwear. She was walking towards me. Then I noticed a yellow shirt under her white formal shirt


Cont….white lady dressed in white was in the room behind and approaching the door.Felt like she wasn’t walking but rather hovering a little above the ground.I thought this is who my mom and 3 younger brothers summoned.I run downstairs.At the end of the staircase there is a dark room on the right.I enter the room and crouch by the bed but realize I touched the door and its still moving.Thewhite lady hovers downstairs and standing at the door hurls a black slipper and it hit me. I wakeup angry


I’m on the 2nd floor of a house withno lights.walk up to my mom and 3 younger brothers.They just got out of a room behind me.There’s a small window on the door and I could see it’s dimly light.I get angry and ask what have you all done now.Felt like they in invoked someone.They all run towards a room behind screaming she’ll kill us.I run behind them. They shut the door I manage to hold and force it open.Iask let me in.They say you go elsewhere.l look behind and see a white lady (cont…..)


I heard my dad say take your school friend with you.I start driving the car.road is empty.as we passed the lights, there is housing community fenced with big brick wall on left. I tell him this is where white families live.see a white lady with blonde hair wearing brown clothes walk inside. She looking down & wasn’t making eye contact.my friend rudely asked my to turn the car. He is in passenger seat. i became angry thought what does he think of himself. saw a white car make a right U turn


I saw a white lady serving some food in a white plate. Then I saw her face, she had black hair and was wearing glasses and a red lipstick


I saw a face of a white lady. She was wearing black t shirt and had shoulder length black hair. Her face slightly faced down. She was looking down so there was no eye contact. I heard her say something about me that I’m fine but she needs to take care of others. Then I heard my mom’s voice from behind in the dark. She said can I also join. I woke up thinking why does she wants to join


I saw a white guy standing on the right and a black guy standing on the left in front of me. Their sides were towards me. They were arguing aggressively about something. There was a white lady standing behind them facing me. She asked them not to fight and that she’d do something about it.


i was walking with a white lady. she was walking fast as if she was annoyed. i said i hope you change your mind by the time we get there and made a fist gesture close to my mouth and cleared my throat and slightly moved my head to my right to being to her attention another white guy walking on our right at a distance a little behind us. She walked a bit and stopped as if she went inside a restroom. i saw the inside of the restroom. It had white fixtures


I was taking a pic and suddenly a white lady pop up behind me. i saw her face like she’s smiling to me and then i got scared so i push her away and i was screaming for help..


I saw a white lady in pink dressed who fell down on the floor in a room. She dragged herself to a door on her left. Punches it to see if there’s someone on the other side. Then she Punches again to open the door to see a grocery store on the other side


I saw a white lady wearing a black dress whose back was towards me was holding an open door. It was dark inside


I was wrongly accused for drugs involvement so I was in cell that lòled like a real classroom when I then make friends with a young white lady as we were sitting and chatting with each other


It was broad daylight. I was standing outside and looking at a garage besides a house. The garage was in a little depression from ground level. I could see a white lady and a white guy doing a waltz dance. The lady was on the left and the guy was on the right. One of there arms were wrapped around each other waist. They were holding other arms stretched out. As they dance they started coming towards me. I could see the white lady watching me


i dreamed i was with a little white girl going around places giving out gifts to white people


I heard a white lady laugh at something I said in my dream


i was walking with a white lady. she was walking fast as if she was annoyed. i said i hope you change your mind by the time we get there and i cleared my throat. i could see another guy walking parallel at a distance with us with my peripheral vision. She stopped as if she went inside a restroom. i saw the inside of the restroom with white fixtures


i was walking with a white lady. she was walking fast as if she was annoyed. i said i hope you change your mind by the time we get there and i cleared my throat. i could see another guy walking parallel at a distance with us with my peripheral vision. She stopped as if she went inside a restroom. i saw the inside of the restroom with white fixtures


I saw a white lady holding the arms of a person whose face was dark. There was another person i couldn’t see or was she looking at me im not sure. The white lady said the person who’s arms she was holding staying away from him. He’s a warrior


was night time. I saw a white lady holding hands with a guy. She said it’s 6a.m and then she took the guy she was holding hands with inside a house where it was dark. The guy was smiling at me and I can notice his white teeth which were prominent


I was night time. I saw a white lady holding hands with a guy. She said it’s 6a.m and then she took the guy she was holding hands with inside a house

Jessica Salamante

Today I dreamed of being chased by a white lady ghost. The last events of my dream was I was being confronted of cheating by someone who’s partner is the one I cheated with. Then she showed me a picture of a white lady ghost. Then suddenly it appeared it was like a white smoke at first then it gradually form as a white lady ghost. I was awakened in real life by my partner because she heard me screamed.


Seeing white lady standing by the bed grabbing arm


I had a dream a woman wearing white, she looked like the little girl from the ring, long black hair in-front of her face, her skin was a blue -gray color. standing across the street from my house. I looked at her from inside my house, I turned away, and as soon as I looked back outside she was right outside my window pointing at my daughter. I was so scared I woke up immediately.


Big white lady landed on me to wake me up


Please help me i dreamt of a spacific baby name Avumile amazulu meaning the heavens have agreed there was pink socks, leggings and some of them were with pink strips then it was like iam inside the ocean picking up flowers fresh flowers the i think yellow and white if i remember correctly then there was a white lady laying on the rock inside an ocean then a piece of glass came from somewhere cut her arm and she bled

Poppy Mcleod

I dream about 3 to 4 white ladies who was very busy with cooking in my kitchen. I also was present with them.


last night i had a dream of a white lady who apparently was my girlfriend,or i was trying to ask her out. suddenly someone tried to get her number,i got furious and beat him up so bad.can someone please explain it.


I saw a white lady sitting her back towards me. She turned back looked at me and smiled in a friendly way


i was walking with a white lady. she was walking fast as if she was annoyed. i said i hope you change your mind by the time we get there and i cleared my throat. i could see another white guy walking at a distance with us with my peripheral vision. She stopped as if she went inside a restroom. i saw the inside of the restroom with white fixtures


There were two ladies talking in my dream. One of them was a white lady who was frustrated and said what should i do with him. The other one was Hispanic who said i’ll take care of him (i’ll see him)


I was traveling with a white lady which appeared to be my girlfriend. I was in the passenger seat of a car and she was sitting on the backseat with another white guy. As she started talking to him he accent changed and she was talking like a party girl and I thought she didn’t use to talk like that


I saw a brown lady wearing a black hijab with only her face and feet visible checking out of a grocery store. A white lady was attending her.I saw her feet and face as she walked away. Her feet were were fat and unattractive and her face had a boyish look


In my dream i saw a white lady busy looking down to her phone when my brother said that there is a white lady in the window and i look her while paying in the small store the clothes that i bought and then i run so fast

Vida Nkansah

I saw a white lady with is four kids boys and the children are with me talking with them and happy


Today in my dream I saw a white lady walking and I thought it was one of my friends that wearing a white dress to scared me and I confronted her and I said you can’t scared me and when she see me she was very scared and she started to panic and vanish and I’m scared to couz I thought it was one of my friends but that thing is real I saw her vanish so I started to run and tell my friends,mother,neighbors that i saw a white lady in the river but they didn’t believe me they laughed.

Emily Dikoko

Hey I dreamed about white lady in my home with nice sliky black hair wearing black skirt and white shirt looking beautiful. But she was talking to my partner and giving me her back she only looked once at me with a bit of smile


Dreamt about white lady turns into butterfly or birds then their voices is a screaming lady


I saw a white lady sitting in the back seat of car. She was being interviewed. And she kept replying yeah to each question


Today in my dream I saw a white lady who have a blue eye consulting me about my psychological aspects, and she said to me I’m a doctor and I can hear all of your problems and I will help you.


I dreamed of a white lady sweeping with a broom at the corner of my house gate. When I came out of the house, and when I saw her, she looked at me and laughed. I had chills on my skin and then she took off with the broom.

Another one I dreamed of the woman I stay with. There was a nigerian guy who looked like was trying to end my life because in His words I am dating His woman (The lady I stay with). She also denied she dated Him. Guy found me and Peed/urinated on me. What could that mean?


I dreamed white lady painting the house


I dreaming of a white lady in water


I dream about a lady in white in a river and I cross the river, but I will go back and she got mad on me she told me not to go back.


I saw in my dream that i had a wife and a kid who i was unable to provide for them sometimes and my was the one feeding us sometime but unfortunately someone brought me a white lady with a kid and she was pregnant too,i was confused about who to have as a wife but my father was not happy about the idea on the other side all i could feel about having this white lady is wealth then i woke from the sleep…


I dreamed of a white lady dropping her valuable stuff cellphone and crystal glass it was green, I was looking for her and couldn’t find her until I found her and gave her back her cellphones, but didn’t give back her a crystal glass


I had a dream in a white small car was sitting in the front with a white lady we stopped in a bushy area in the back of the car was sitting a man and a lady wanted to give birth when the white lady drop I did too and a big white snake came out from her and she kissed it then the snake came to me I started running away and keeps following me I ended up trying to hit it and it got angry and it trying to bite me


I dreamt of my old school teacher whom was a white lady. Seemed she now worked at a place where they sell food. So I bought a burger meal from her and she took forever to make it

Wisdom Rannson

Hello greetings! I had a dream where I traveled to somewhere and I was with someone so we saw military with their amor cars passing we ran into an American white lady’s house and she showed us love we stayed with her for a while and she called her dad and informed him she has visitors and her dad sent her money so she showed us a road inside the forest to run from the military and we did then I woke up from sleep


I dreamed the white lady sweeping the dry leaves in the suburb area and I’m scared to pass her way ,then I saw a kid run then I run after him too, then suddenly the road become split in 2 direction (left and right) and the lady become double and also the guy cutting some grass. And they told me that not everyone can pass this road alive but because your good person I let you pass..I was scared and happy in my dream what is that mean?


I saw white lady and me in her bedroom in her African apartment, i was nacked she was in white paint sute Laying beside me. we was having conversations only. My phone alarm woke me up at 5:00am


I saw man I love in my dream with white germent with old men


I dream I in my boss office with her 2 white daughters we fixed her paper on her desk.


Yesterday in my dream I saw a white man lady writhen her number in my hand and she said she like me


A white lady with a painful tooth people in the bus watch


Dreaming in love with a white lady


My Dream.

I am interviewed by a white lady and she reads my score. The score should add to 1, she reads 0.3, 0.4 and it adds to 1 but then she says I don’t qualify. However she comes over by my side and seats on top of the table in front of me and she offers sex for job and I agree.


I dreamed 2 white ladies. Driving a car there was a small african child inside


Dream talking to a white woman on a cell phone


In my dream I saw a white lady on the stairs and I looked and I was scared what does it mean?

Edafe precious Ere

I Dreamt that I was doing a hard work with my friends and suddenly I say a white Lady from afar standing close to a car she look like she need help driving the car she was staring at us and I waved at her and she smiled and called me I went and i help her drove the car from a bad sport she wants to go and pay her bills she was a foreigner in my country and on our way coming back we she insist I sit on the back sit while she drive that I have done a lot for her.

Avolos Alex

Saw I was wit my family in a beautiful house with my pregnant wife. There was dis white lady having crush on me . She later had it out to my wife that she has a crush on me and she’s going to take me away from her. My wife was furious and was going to stab herself and the baby, I prevented her . She had the baby, I was rushing her to d hospital in my car. This white lady had my gate man bewitched, he doesn’t listen to open the gate. The gate was locked with several padlocks. Nd she was bragging


Dreaming of 2 white ladies just staring at me


I dream of a white lady that was a mother figure and me her child. I was tringing to kill some small insects that were comming out the floor and she kept on serching for me because she was angry i was killing those insects and i had so somehow trick her in order to kill the insects and escape the house. There was also a swat guy in there tring to investigate whatbwas happening there but dissapeared one he meet her.


I was at work i saw white lady that i know and his husband and a lady came to me and start chating with me we were all happy and she ask me to escort her on our way we stoped and we start to kiss each other after kiss we go down to the river then cross and i cross also


I dream about chasing by black snake at the river I run after I meet white girl she ascort me I sow a tax that white girl shake hands with me and said good bye


I dreamed of attending a white woman’s funeral.


The lady in white is always mad or angry when she sees me. Like a hatred of my presence.

Phillimon Kabelo

I dream white lady giving me transporting me


I dreamt of a white lady giving my friend money R55 after falling down


In my dream i saw a white lady going near me i was so scared


I dream of a white lady having an interest to hire me for a new job after interacting with me


Last night I had a dream, that this white opaque lady or man, with long hair was walking towards me. As it was approaching I started panicking and screaming. It touched my left shoulder and I woke up screaming. It did not feel manacling, but an unusual experience that was scary.


Last night in my dream, I saw my grandmother in a white dress and a white headscarf, she was on a white bridge with other ladies in white behind her (I didn’t see who they were). She gave me a wand, then I woke up.


I dreamed of a white Lady named Helen and I was supposed to have given her a lift to town and when I got to her place of residence she wasn’t there…


I dream about a white lady keep chasing me,it’s not really clear when I woke up if she wants to take me or want to take my body then in my dreams she tie her hair in my bag so she can track me wherever I go then when I get home I noticed about it so i take it off and I found inside my bag still lots of hair so I take it off too,I’m so scared but then I fight to this white lady i rebuke her cause I don’t want her to take me or my bodyAnd when I woke up I fall asleep again and this dream continues


In my dream I was looking for something in someone’s house in SpongeBob and it had a attic and I went up there and when I entered there was a girl who was very
Tall dressed entirely in white and My mind kept going “ lady in white” I looked behind the mirror and saw a painting with words on it and when I looked in the mirror and then looked back at the girl she was shorter and started to chase me and then I couldn’t move and my friend was yelling for me to move and I said I couldn’t then I woke


Hello. I dreamed about white lady who was chasing me from work place.what does this mean


White lady sends me to go look for this other stick it looks like suger stick but it’s not it’s more light brown and shorter ,then some where in the dream my daughter and I fell into ash where there was a burned hand ✋ while searching for the stick


I dream about a white lady. Im scared to her at first and then we became friends and talk a lot. At first ,Her face is creepy and her dress have a little blood and it’s a bit dirty when We encounter. She is trying to scares me. But she calmed down when I was trying to tell her don’t scared me. Then she changed her face in a clean state, she is beautiful with her white dress. We then talk and become friends at the end.

Portia M

I had a dream where I was counting a lots of banknotes with this other girl then we laid on the bed, she got up and slept on the other side then a car crashed inside the house and I got trapped beneath it, was then rescued by my boyfriend, to my surprise I wasn’t bleeding instead I was only in pains.


In my dream I talked to a white woman she gave me visiting card


I dreamt of a white lady in a car and she was breastfeeding a baby and she welcomed me to join her .


I dreamt I was at school and I had to leave early cause I wasn’t feeling well on my way home I passed a house of a white family and it was hot they were playing with water and by mistake they poured me with water and their mother shouted at them telling them to come and apologise but instead of me being angry at them I just said it’s okay and the lady accompanied me to where I was heading.


Today in my dream is White lady standing on street away miles me. Some guy get scared. I dont know why but I ignore it. What does mean?


Hey, I woke up with a dream where we were being chased by white lion cubs. It was me, my younger sister and my daughter. So we got into a house then we hid inside the backroom as the door was left open. As we were sitting in the bed a white lady came in, she was carrying her son. She was so pleased to see us and she started playing a song on the laptop. she then called her husband to come and dance with her. It was fun we even forgot that we were being chased by white lion cubs.


I dream of a white lady pass by my body‍


Last night i had a dream about two white ladies we were friends we went for shopping but they Both got lost i didn’t find them


Today in my dream ,i saw a white lady she was not happy


I dreamed arguing with a women of white origin

Avolos Alex

I dreamt that I was asking a white lady out, at a time she tried to kiss me and she withdraw. I asked her out on a date and she declined. I saw in this dream she was driving me. I asked to come down for a pee and I saw someone sneaking up on us, so I ask her to drive fast while looking out for her behind and chasing to catch up with her


Dreaming fighting with white lady


I dreamed that I was about to cross a poorly built bridge with a fat white woman who shows me she likes me and in that same dream I saw myself carrying a golden/light brown stripe kitten while riding a white horse with her after crossing the bridge..we were both riding white horses…please what is the meaning of this dream


l dreamt of talking to a white lady what does it mean

Osei Franklin

Today I dreamed about playing with a white lady, and it seems like she is my girlfriend in the dream


I dreamt of a white young lady giving me something to wear. What does that mean?


I had a dream just awhile ago about me walking on a path from my previous school wherein i encountered white lady (ghost). And its freaking me out right now


Hey I dreamed of a white lady, she seem sweet and honest. She told my sister that she was sweet, social, and popular. Then she told me, “you’re more kind yet reserved, and not so social.” She took a long pause…..the said “sometimes you are jealous of her for that “ with the biggest smile ….after that she hugged my sister, when we left the house to go to the car , the drivers side door handle was broken. The dream started with these big black creatures or birds flying over the sky scaring my fam


Last night i dreamed about my bestfriend. We were on facetime and she was showing her house when all of a sudden a white lady showed up. She was fighting it and the phone screen went black then I woke up. What does it mean? I’m really worried


I was dreaming at court case room 2 man stand next to me other 2 man are front saw face of white lady smiling


I dream I went to my mum who lives in a different town. When I was going to bath a lady I know before came into the bathroom with me. After she left, two white ladies who were tenants in my mum’s house heard I came around and they came to greet me in the bathroom because they were living to work that morning. They seemed happy to see me for the first time and they were speaking my dialect too. What does this mean?


Dreaming of a white lady dancing and me staring at her. Then she me her phone to put my numbers, we text each other


I had a dream a dream a white lady was with my friend, they walked in my room and ask me to look for an old spoilt car which belongs to my son at were I dump refuse. When I asked for the use , she said the white lady was going to use it for a birthday decoration, pls what does it mean.


in my dream i saw white lady in wanting to take a ride with me in a trolly car


Midnight, maybe 2/3am in a (Philippines). I saw a white lady and I’d try to control my emotion inside of my head while everyone ran and panicked, everyone left me except the white lady, she tried to scare me.


I dreamt that i was in a car and a white lady was driving me. The dream wasnt complete but it appears we were dating. We arrived at a place with lots of people and got out with the people looking at us. Then at that moment i looked at her and asked that “why are you so white?”. She was much fairer than a european. I woke up here


Last night I dreamed of my first born son walking an followed by a white short Lady, what does it mean


I saw a white lady distributing money to money


I have dreamer about the white lady giving me milk..but his husband was present and jealous


Today in my dream i saw a white lady like playing with me i’m scared so i immediately search what is the meaning of that…. (sorry for my grammar it’s not my first language)