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Dream about villain

Dream about Villain is a message for financial hardships. You are trying to hold together a relationship. You are erasing the past and starting anew. Your dream is a signal for the sacrifices you made and the difficulties you endured. Something you said could be leaving a strange taste in your mouth.

Villain symbolises loss of power and control. You need to follow the rules. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. The dream expresses doubts and anxieties about physical performance, drive and libido. Perhaps you are acting too irrationally.

Dream about Villain [a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately] indicates the end of a cycle, aging or death. You are using your appearance to get your way. You need to be more bubbly or vivacious. This dream is sometimes the challenges and hardships in your life and your ability to endure it all. You are suppressing your feelings or thoughts.

Dream about Villain [the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction] is a premonition for hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront or acknowledge. You need to look pass the surface and focus on what is inside. You need to incorporate aspects of the opposite gender into your own character. The dream represents evitable changes. You may be in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life.

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We were in a suppressed world, there was a villain who kept my lover and I apart. We re united but was so scared she would get him again. Someone in the dream was handicapped so we were worried about getting around & there was a bus we travelled on. The villan turned into my daughter’s teacher in her classroom but then actually became ‘good’ in the end or at least tolerable. I was walking away leaving her at a building machinery type expo & saw the cow as I was leaving.


I was Luke Skywalker, and had the time stone, and Lucius Fox provided a spaceship, which took me to Thanos (from Avengers), who had all the rest of the infinity stones. The plan was to fight him, but when we finally got to his spaceship, even though I was pretty sure I knew where to find him, I was too scared to go through the right door.

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