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Dream about uncle

In your dream, the appearance of your uncle represents the important role that family plays in your life. Your uncle symbolizes guidance and support, reminding you of the strong bonds you share with your loved ones. Just as your uncle provides wisdom and advice in your dream, he also signifies the presence of a trustworthy figure in your waking life who can offer you valuable guidance. The feeling of nostalgia associated with this dream suggests that you deeply cherish the memories and experiences you have shared with your family. It is a beautiful reflection of your caring and nurturing nature, always seeking to maintain and strengthen your familial connections.

Dream about Uncle indicates your rigid and inflexible ways. You need to have better planning and organization in your life. Sometimes you need a kick. This dream is a sign for your acceptance of the restrictions you are facing. There is a situation or relationship that requires special attention and care.

Uncle is a message for unresolved issues with your friend or unresolved issues from your childhood that needs to be confronted. There is a domestic conflict or argument in your home. Some aspects of your personality are in conflict. This dream is about your limitations and restrictions. You feel numbness.

Dream about Uncle [the brother of your father or mother; the husband of your aunt] points to your fear or guilt. You need to get both feet off the ground in order to move forward in life. You are struggling between good and evil. This dream points to some issue you have at school. You need to take a more active or more hands-on approach in order to move forward in some endeavor.

Dream about Uncle [a source of help and advice and encouragement] is a signal for your need to be or feel protected. You need to be more frugal and to conserve your resources. You are feeling uneasy about your position or about some decision you made. Your dream states unyielding authority and over-protectiveness. You need to pay closer attention to a problem or issue.

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I dreamt that I was walking with my uncle, and he was giving me some advice.

At one point, I took off my slippers and asked my younger brother to help me get them. As we continued walking, I realized we had gone far.

We reached a point where my uncle visited a man who had once kidnapped him. While I was retrieving my slippers, the situation escalated. I did everything I could to rescue him, but he was taken away at gunpoint in an SUV


“I dreamt that my uncle was asking me about my results, unaware that I had a second result and had already started my second degree.

I explained to him that I had just received my second result, which I used to apply for my second degree, now I’m in the beginning of the section


Saw my uncle wife asked me to leave their house. it was a premeditated plan that bought my uncle and I know about. I sat I leave my Uncle asked me not to park my bags now and find out the money won’t get enough to take me to my destination but I was not going to ask my uncle for it


I saw I was in a house of a powerful evil woman who has been jailed. her family and followers couldn’t believe that could happen so they’re criticizing the system that jailed her. I then saw my Uncle who promised me money and gave me a date he would give me. I packed my bag to leave and I saw friends both dead helped me carry my bag, phone and other properties to the car who was waiting to take me home


Saw I gave an ex to my uncle and also two military security to guard him. Two of them where having nice while I was minding my business. She asked if she could travel with him and tell told her yes . I was sincerely not concerned by them but they can’t seem to get it


I saw my uncle. He told me to guess the songs from his time in the 60s. It was rock songs. I didn’t do very well because I don’t know many songs from that time. He was disappointed I didn’t do so well, and I thought my friend would do better.

Duck and sword

I saw my uncle watching me from being outside of our house by slowly opening our window shutter but the moment I shout I saw there’s no one. I then complained the thing to my mother but my mother keep on telling me relax its just your uncle I was fighting for my privacy that it’s wrong to see someone secretly from outside then after sometime I saw I was throwing cups and plates by getting angry and all the tea inside the cup spilled out. What it mean


I saw my dad and my elder uncle standing up the narrow staircase. I was standing down the staircase and i walk on the edge to see my dad’s face and my uncle’s face. My dad’s face was dark. i moved back. One of my other eldest uncle was climbing down with a help of a stick. He put all his weight on the stick and used both legs to walk down the narrow staircase. There was a Hispanic lady standing in front of me where the staircase ends to my right


I saw my mom’s 2 bros. I was about to go out and get some tea for them. My older uncle needed just tea, so I pulled his cheek and teased him saying he was looking young. He was 82 in real. My other uncle’s wife said her husband was hungry and needed breakfast. I saw my grandfather’s face appear on the wall (like a screen), looking sad and disappeared. I took tea and food, took lift but I ended up somewhere that looked rusty, dusty. Thought I was getting late. Not sure I returned to them.


I saw my dad and my elder uncle standing up the narrow staircase. I was standing down the staircase and i walk on the edge to see my dad’s face and my uncle’s face. My dad’s face was dark. i moved back. One of my other eldest uncle was climbing down with a help of a stick. He put all his weight on the stick and used both legs to walk down the narrow staircase. There was a Hispanic lady standing in front of me where the staircase ends to my right


I was sleeping on the floor. A person was behind me. Slowly he moved near me. I fell asleep. In my sleep I realized he was holding my left nipple with his fingers of left hand. I realized it was my uncle (mom’s younger brother). Later my dad came, woke me up and felt uncomfortable and upset with my uncle.


i visit home from abroad. My uncle travels from another city to visit us in our home. He is with his youngest son my cousin and another cousin whose daughter of my aunt ( Uncle & dad’s sister). They all go to another room. i ask if they’re already gone to sleep. My mom buys her daughter some clothes as a gift. I ask my younger brother we had a kitten where is she. then i see a black kitten. she comes towards me and see a mouse and attacks it


Im in my apartment alone. I’m waiting for my parents to arrive. the lights are switched off. suddenly the doorbell rings. i open the door half way when i realize my elder uncle (dad’s eldest brother) is with them. i think i dont want to meet my uncle. My mom whispers just go on the side. I enter this room with a table. the lights are switched on the other side. i see my dad coming inside, i greet him and he ask me how are you


I dreamt my uncle ( mother bother) is my husband and we are waiting on stairs to go to travel. My uncle was more handsome and younger than his real age and I seemed that I like someone else.
I also dreamed of huge amount of tomatoe paste

Light Francis

I dream of coming out my grandma’s house and I saw my uncle locking up my grandma’s thatch house, he calls me to help him lock up, as I try he steps back and points a gun at me, he pulls the trigger and the gun was empty, he pulls another gun from his side and this time I change his aiming hand to his chest while struggling with him and pulls the trigger on his chest. He dies and my grandma comes out and start screaming.


My uncle & grandparents were at our old house were sitting talking with our current church group along with my children my grandma leaned on me I wrapped cool towels around her legs cause they were sore my little brother was mixed in trouble someone shot him next door to us. Very scary my little brother is wrapped up with tough stuff
To dream of my uncle which in 25 yrs that he passed Was a first
Both my grandparents same dream
I also heard 2 gunshots clear in my dream to my brother


I had a dream that I was working at my aunt’s husband job. His name is Omar and I was throwing cases off a pallet into an assembly line machine. I heard my uncle Omar say whoa in amazement because I was working fast and throwing cases hard onto the line. Plus, my uncle was working right behind me I never really seen his face once in my dream.

Avolos Alex

I saw my uncle was shouting at me and wanted to beat me accusing me of what I didn’t do. I was furious and I shouted back at him and I told him never to accuse me of what I didn’t do. I later saw us eating together with his wife

Avolos Alex

I saw myself sleeping on the same bed with my uncle and a lady on the floor. My uncle got down making love to this lady while I try to take his sunshade because it lovely. He got done and wouldn’t let me take his sun glasses

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