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Dream about stripping

Dream about Stripping expresses your need to feel protected and safe from life’s problems. You proceed toward your goals in a careful and deliberate manner. You are making the same mistakes and reacting the same way. This dream is a signal for the two choices or directions. Maybe you are afraid that you won’t measure up to a particular person or task in your life.

Stripping suggests laziness. You are being stubborn about a situation. You are feeling confined and restricted. This dream expresses deep-seated anger towards somebody. You are going through some crisis in your life.

Dream about Strip [a relatively long narrow piece of something] means your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. You need to consider something from someone else’s perspective. You are going the wrong way. The dream signifies the stress and sadness of dealing with a disease. You need to communicate or re-establish contact with someone from your present or past.

Dream about Strip [artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material] is about someone in your life who you are not sure if you can trust or rely on. You have no one to talk to. You are being overly judgmental of others or of some situation. Your dream is a premonition for some political issue. You are feeling divided about an issue.

Dream about Airstrip [an airfield without normal airport facilities] states having someone completely dependent on you or having to take care of someone. You need to break down the walls that you have created around you. You are either trying to get to your subconscious and access its insights. The dream is an omen for gloominess, despair and hopelessness. You need to be more self-reliant.

Dream about Comic Strip [a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book] means a loss or an end to an aspect of yourself. You are trying to change how you see yourself and how others see you. You are wrong about something. The dream states aspects of yourself that you are rejecting. There is a conflict between your rational thinking and your irrational impulses.

Dream about Strip [thin piece of wood or metal] denotes your emotional needs or appetite. You are only partially acknowledging your feelings. You are waiting for a sign to make the next move. Your dream hints your reservation and hesitance in pursuing toward some path. You need to go after what you want.

Dream about Strip [a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music] draws attention to fear of being exposed for who you really are. You need to trust in yourself and your actions. Some aspect of your daily routine is being altered. This dream is sometimes the need to be sheltered or protected from life’s problems. You are wasting your energy, time and money on foolish pursuits.

Dream about Deprive [take away possessions from someone] is a metaphor for a repressed fear and difficulties in personal relationships. You have completely lost your mind. Perhaps you are being pushed upward into a direction that you do not want to go or that you are not ready for. This dream suggests your defensive stance about some situation. You feel that you are not able to fully express your desires and emotions.

Dream about Undress [get undressed] draws attention to a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. You may be having concerns about your own emotional attitude. Perhaps you are becoming too domineering or overly confident. This dream is a sign for fears that you are not confronting in your life. There may be a lot of issues eating you up inside.

Dream about Strip [remove the surface from] is a premonition for a projection of your own anger towards someone. You feel stuck in some area of your life. You need to recognize your spiritual needs. This dream symbolises acceptance of yourself. You are killing an aspect of your own self.

Dream about Leach [remove substances from by a percolating liquid] is a premonition for the end of a relationship, a situation or some issue. You are working through a problem or issue that has been troubling you. You are trying to achieve success without doing the work. This dream is a metaphor for old age and issues about aging. You need to save money.

Dream about Denude [lay bare] indicates some overwhelming task or emotion that you are going through in your life. Some people in your life are not who you thought they were. You need to be more expressive in daily conversations. The dream points at someone in your life who is sly and sneaky. You want to be perceived in a different way.

Dream about Plunder [steal goods; take as spoils] signifies emptiness or illness. You need to trust in yourself and your actions. You no longer have control of a situation. The dream is a metaphor for some sort of habit or behavior that is taking over your daily life. You are not ready to address your emotions directly.

Dream about Clean [remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely] is an indication for your responsibilities. You need to defend and protect yourself. You need to roll up your sleeves and prepare for some hard work ahead. This dream is about your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally. You are ready to confront your anger issues.

Dream about Strip [strip the cured leaves from] indicates self-guilt and unnurtured feelings. Your subconscious trying to focus your attention on an issue/problem. You are suppressing your sad feelings. Your dream refers to someone from your past who you had a crush on or who you were in love with. You need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

Dream about Strip [remove the thread (of screws)] is a portent for some fears or anxieties about femininity (if you are female) and your masculinity (if you are male). Someone or something may trigger some emotional memory which you still need to confront and work through. You need to approach your goals with practicality. The dream denotes your hastiness and quick temper. You want to bring some people down and put them in their place.

Dream about Strip [remove a constituent from a liquid] is a signal for your fear of betrayal and your untrusting nature. You are making some unwise choices. You are detached from society. Your dream is a symbol for your erratic behavior. You need to learn to win or lose gracefully.

Dream about Strip [take off or remove] points at some sort of divinity. You are unwilling to confront a problem that has been negatively impacting your life. You need to acknowledge and confront the issue in order to complete your transformation and achieve wholeness. This dream refers to someone that tickles your fancy. There is something from your past that you are not acknowledging.

Dream about Strip [draw the last milk (of cows)] is a symbol for foiling or thwarting someone’s plans. You may be going through an emotional cool-off period. Someone has stolen your success or has taken credit for something you did. The dream is a sign for issues with your self-image and how you portray yourself to the outside world. You are being pulled unwillingly into confronting some suppressed thoughts.

Dream about Strip [remove (someone’s or one’s own) clothes] refers to a violent emotional outbreak. You are being overly possessive. You need to be careful in what you say and do. The dream draws attention to your feelings of being scrutinized. Your belief and your way of thinking is restricting your own growth.

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