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Dream about stranger helping me

Dream about Stranger Helping Me signals divine power, longevity, eternal love, protection and unity. You are questioning your role in some situation. You are evaluating a situation and how the various pieces fit together. This dream is sometimes the important role you play in the overall big picture. Perhaps you are taking a nonchalant attitude to circumstances that need serious consideration.

Stranger Helping Me is about fortitude, strength and stamina. You have a wandering mind. You feel that someone in your social circle is working against you. The dream is a metaphor for your commitment on a set course. You have power to control the direction and path of your own life.

Dreaming of Stranger and Help

Stranger in your dream is a premonition for some aspect of yourself or some area in your life. You are struggling with some moral issue or inner demons. You are working through a problem or issue that has been troubling you. This dream denotes your expensive tastes. You need to get a new perspective of some situation.

Help in dream is a clue for some unknown situation and how you are blindly entering into a situation or deal. You tend to watch things happen instead of taking control. You may feel that you are being handicapped in pursuing your goals. Your dream is an omen for your love life and the pressure to find someone to spend your life with. You need to look pass the surface and focus on what is inside.

Dream about both “Stranger” and “Help” is sadly an admonition for your desires to turn back time and redo certain things over again. Your perspective is skewed and you are not seeing things clearly. You are feeling burdened or overwhelmed. This dream is a portent for your lack of sensitivity. It is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your growth.

Dream about stranger helping me is about happiness and fulfilled wishes. You confront some obstacles head on without hesitation. You feel that you are being bullied or dominated by some powerful source. Your dream hints unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Good things will be at your grasp.

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Alex Avolos

I saw I was with a male stranger friend packed in a luxurious car in a luxurious environment. Saw some three ladies packed in a Mercedes Benz, we gave them a mission to trial which they couldn’t do so they opt out. I then saw this guy and his girlfriend drove in, in a more luxurious car and clothing than us with suit case and a box full of money heading in to the bank to deposit. In my mind in the dream, I said this is the life I wish for


I dreamed i was in a strange place and quite crowded i even saw my friend there .. it was all hazy but i remember i was about to trip on my own feet when an unknown attractive guy held my backpack so i was saved from tripping.. but after that i didn’t see him and i only saw his friends and i think they’re foreigners bc they aren’t native to our language


Dream that a stranger is asking me where I am from and telling me there is a supply on the road


I was walking through a park next to my house & a lion appeared. He was slowly stalking 1st, & everyone started running away. The lion was gaining on me so I screamed out for help letting others know that I’m disabled & can’t walk fast/run & needed help. A group of women (strangers to me) came to my rescue. We hugged in a circle before getting to safety, but then I was stuck without a safe way to get home as I had to cross the park with the lion to get there


In my dream I was chasing after my mom and lil sister but I suddenly fell down and they disappeared, I struggled to get but I couldn’t but then a girl came and gave me her hand so I grapes her hand tightly and I started running towards them with her….
I reached a place but I don’t see my mom and sis


Had a dream about a stranger trying to be my friend and making me happy also helping me

Nic x

I dreamt of descending a vertical structure made of wood, a bit like a ladder, that was full of people. I was coming down the ladder facing outwards, picking my way between all the people. I was aware I was with someone, when I got to the bottom I looked around to a man smiling at me. He had been holding me around the ribs the whole time. When I woke I still had a sense of being held securely.


Dream about seeing my salava rolling and I can’t speak properly and the stranger come to help me


I dreamed I was sitting on a bench and suddenly a strange man seated to my left , told me that he could recommend me to potential clients in the area because he knew a lot of people there. In reality I’m thinking strongly of starting a business. I had never mentioned anything to him in the dream!


I was trying to cross the bridge, on my first attempt i failed then there was this stranger of a woman who was watching me n trying to help me , struggled through it until i crossed
I did try to give her some money, a token of appreciation


I dreamed that i was driving and my car just stopped like litteraly on road. It probably runned out of gas and then there were 2 girls on the street. One of the girls yelled lets help this man, and then the other girl came and she gave 60$ and thats where my dream ended.


I had a dream I was lost while traveling. I was having a difficult time finding my way back home. Then I saw houses, went in and asked for some help. A teenager boy was asked to escort me to the right road


Good morning..I had a dream as us I was driving late at in the evening. I got lost and people kept on passing with their cars and nobody helped me. A guy appeared and helped me to the nearest restaurant and bought us food. We chilled there and ate. I had my two kids with me, after eating the guy offered to pay and he did. When we had to get out there were a lot of cars blocking my car in the parking lot and we had to find the owners of those car then I woked up


I saw that I suddenly landed in a hotel somewhere in a korean Country, feeling completely lost, what to do. I was scared and was intimated by people around me in the hotel. I also did not have any room booked on my name in the hotel
Suddenly a stranger, a man, offered me his room to stay for a while and calm down. He was also planning to return back to the home country immediately and offered if I wish to come along with him. But I missed that opportunity.


I dreamt that I went to the basement and saw my youngest daughter possessed talking to no one. And I immediately put her arm around my neck to pull her up and get her out of the basement while calling for help. But when people came and saw she was possessed they wouldn’t help me help her I had to take a fork away from her and anything else she could hurt me with. She tried picking at my skin with her nails. I had to put her down by water and a stranger was there while a fish jumped in the water.


I had a dream in which I found myself holding on to the metal railings over a highway bridge about to fall off the bridge onto the highway below. I called out to people passing by but none helped. After a while, a tall dark and strong guy heeded to my call and helped me back to the pedestrian walk way. I didn’t know this guy from anywhere.


Hi,,,please tell me what my dream means,,,,i saw a normal snake biting me,,and he didn’t let me go,,,then poison remained my body and a boy (i felt he was familiar) ,i told him to help me but at first he didn’t but then he came and helped me,,,and then i woke up so scared with sweat


I had a dream about a unknown guy around my age or older. He has dark skin. I was chasing after something and then he came a few minutes later and helped me out. I didn’t know I was Injured.I can see the injury from his point of view. I was on his back and he was carrying me to the infirmary. Once I got there I didn’t get the medical attention I needed because there were two people with questions but I wasn’t the one they were questioning. I feel sorry for the guy cause he was being questioned.

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