Dream about Someone Stealing My Phone signifies wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. You need to take a new stance and have a fresh attitude toward life. You are feeling threatened or overlooked. The dream signifies your need to take a new approach toward some situation or relationship. You are receptive to new ideas and open to other’s opinions.
Someone in your dream is a metaphor for reality. You need to literally pick yourself up and move on from the past. It is time to take charge. Your dream is a message for past experiences and feelings that you associate with that particular aroma. You need to incorporate some of good qualities within your own self.
Steal dream is an omen for your burning passion and libido. You may have a crush on a person and your thoughts of him/her has carried over into the dream world. You need to think about and possibly act upon. This dream symbolises your hopes, wishes and your dreams. Perhaps something has made you emotionally numb.
Phone in this dream is a hint for things that you are not seeing, or issues you are refusing to confront head on. You have a lot that you need to get off your mind. You have a self-defeatist attitude. The dream expresses your actual stress or concerns about the activity or event in real life. You need to be more direct in telling others how you feel.
Dreaming of Someone and Steal and Phone
Dream About Someone Stolen is a metaphor for fair or fairness. You are experiencing some unhappiness and emotional instability in a situation. It is okay to be silly sometimes. Your dream is an evidence for energy, effort, encouragement and motivation. You may be hunting for a solution.
Dream About Someone Phoning You is an evidence for emotional intimacy. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. There is something that you need to hold on to and grasp. This dream refers to obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. You are evaluating your goals and your means to achieve them.
Dream About Stolen Phone is a harbinger for your sweetie or the special someone in your life. You are enjoying life. Things will happen if you set your mind to it. The dream denotes energy. You are also reflecting on the decisions you have made along the way and what you have accomplished.
Dream about Someone Stealing My Phone is about a change in direction in your life. You will others to notice your accomplishment. You are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you. Your dream points at a decision that you need to make. You need to lay a solid foundation in order to grow.
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I dreamt I was walking with my boyfriend to go buy gas and while we were searching for a car to take us there , we realized the place wasn’t safe and we both had our phones in our pockets. For some reason I was holding the cylinder in my hands and my boyfriend was in front protecting his phone too . Before I could realize the attacked me and stole the phone from me and I couldn’t defend myself because I had a the cylinder in my hands. So I told my boyfriend my phone has been stolen and he asked if it was his own and I said no , mine . We chased them into a wooden structure and broke it down and a man came out crying and saying my boyfriend has taken me from him so what does he want from him now . And my boyfriend asked us to leave and he said to the man , the phone you call to be able to speak to your children has been stolen and you don’t want us to find the thieves . So we left and I was in tears .
Hi,in my dream I was walking and a man came from behind me,tried to grab my phone and I was holding it tight and he took it from me as he tried to run,which he didn’t go that far,I grabbed my phone from him and we were both fighting for it and I was holding it tight he couldn’t get it so during the process he dialed a number and then he ran away,and my phone had no connection or no bars,I think that’s what he dialed to remove my connection.
Please help what does it mean ,it sounded so serious.
A man stole my phone and I was chasing him, then he threw my phone .but later he started mocking me that I am a coward , I can’t go against him .