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Dream about snake biting eye

Dream about Snake Biting Eye is about new opportunities. You are experiencing a new phase in your life. Your ex still has some sort of emotional hold on you. Your dream is mortality. You are feeling the burdens of adulthood.

Snake in your dream is an evidence for domesticity and lifelong companionship. You need to step back and look at the wider perspective. You need to pay closer attention to some issue. The dream stands for a stage in your own personal growth and development where you are on your way, but have not yet reached your goal. You are being used and manipulated by others.

Bite dream is sometimes a bitter ending to a friendship. You need to work on your childish rage and tantrums. You are being hindered from expressing yourself. This dream symbolises grave or concerns about a serious or sad situation. You tend to wear your emotions of your face.

Eye in this dream is a signal for early unpleasant traumas and repressed feelings or memories. You need to accept and love who you are, even your flaws or shortcomings. You are harvesting or babying a new idea, creation or project. This dream points to your need for patience. You don’t care what others think of you.

Dreaming of Snake and Bite and Eye

Dream About Snake Bite is anxieties of changing your identity – that of a spouse. Your relationship is moving forward into a new stage or that you are rethinking the longevity of the relationship. You are experiencing a lot of stress and tension. This dream denotes the emergence of your feminine character. You are in a race.

Dream About Snake Eyes hints the expectation of fun and pleasures. Your inner creative energy has yet to blossom and grow into expression. You are embracing your own sensuality. Your dream is about warmth and protection. You are able to see beyond the surface and look at what is on the inside.

Dream about Snake Biting Eye expresses a memory or to something in the past that you are holding onto. You may be concerned about fitting into society’s ideals of beauty. You have wisdom and devotion. Your dream is sometimes love, beauty, protection and happiness. You need to treat some situation or someone with care.

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