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Dream about snake and snake bite

Dream about Snake And Snake Bite indicates your demeanor and attitude in your life. You need to look at the broad perspective. You have achieved an important goal and are relishing in your success. The dream points to freedom from societal norms and rules. You will experience many setbacks, especially if you continue to let your emotions run out of control.

Snake in your dream signifies your fears and anger. Your ideas are coming to fruition. You are getting off to a good start for some project. The dream is sometimes the anxiety and fear that you are experiencing, as a result of some guilt or wrongdoing. You need to look at the overall picture on some issue.

Snake dream is a clue for qualities within yourself that are yielding and can be changed. You should not overlook the frivolous and seemingly minute things in life. Perhaps you have a significant announcement to make. Your dream is an omen for your main squeeze or your mate. You are ready to give up your basic, carnal desires for spiritual pursuits and enlightenment.

Bite in this dream states a broken relationship or severed connection. You are looking for an emotional uplift or need some time to heal. You are being overly lackadaisical about a situation or problem. The dream indicates feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. You will find yourself in an adverse situation.

Dreaming of Snake and Snake and Bite

Dream About Snake Bite is an indication for how you are doing well. A decision you have made is final. Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone who reminds you of your own father, mother or other family member. This dream is an omen for a transformation. It is time for you to face the truth.

Dream About Snake Bite points to some emotional situation. You have acknowledged your hidden potential. You have difficulty enjoying the sweeter things in life. Your dream is a metaphor for warmth, virility and fruitfulness. Since you are always there for your loved ones, it is time for them to reciprocate.

Dream about Snake And Snake Bite points at self-discovery. You feel that you are living in a male-dominated world. You are all wound up about something that is weighing in your mind. Your dream is a clue for your desire to live life in the fast lane. You are skating over some matter.

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Had a dream that I was at work and someone was trying to get me to do something that I refused to do as I was walking out the door I fell and there was a rattlesnake and it bit my right hand it didn’t hurt. A old coworker called paramedics.


I dreamnt that I was done using the bathroom until I saw a big snake trying to bite me, but I managed to get it off me. Then I went again to use the bathroom and saw a small snale trying to bite me, and it bit me hard on the breast, causing me to bleed. I asked my dad to kill both snakes.


I dreamt I was outside with my brother washing car then we suddenly saw a red snake. The snake looks small in the first place but it somehow become longer then it rose and tried to bite me but I dodged it and I woke up


Hi, this is the only parts I remember of my dream plus my one cat was sleeping up against me. Here’s how my dream went….. non venomous snake was visible venomous snake wasn’t fully visible. My hand was right under the cover of the venomous snake and I went to slowly pull my hand out and away from that snake, but it slowly turned towards my hand and bit my hand. Right at the same time as the snake bit me, my cat got spooked and scratched my upper arm waking me up somewhat.


I was bit by a garden snake on right forearm, I was preventing it from attacking a child that was chasing it. I could tell the snake was irritated and I stepped in front of it so it will attack me. I stood perfectly still until the snake understood I wasn’t a threat and called out for my sister in the other room to make sure no one came near me. It eventually released it’s bite. As it fell it turned into what looked like two brown cocoons and I tired to just capture them so they wouldn’t harm an


I have got a dream that one big snake and one smal snake are chasing me..am keeping on escaping from it..last time i have got cat in my dream and it chased me and it bite my leg…what is it all about.please help


i had a dream this snake wrapped it’s self around my left hand and then bite me multiple times until i was about to get it off of me, then i ran into a house. it was vv weird and i could see the snake bite marks when it was off of me


I dream about the snake. We were in a place we’re were writing on the board. At first a small snake wa moving on the board and we were trying to kill it. One kid writing then big snake appeared from nowhere and bite her and hold on for few minutes. My late brother came and rescue the child. I woke up