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Dream about sharing money

Dream about Sharing Money suggests sorrow and mourning. You are indecisive. A present situation or relationship is making you feel helpless and powerless. Your dream signals mainstream thinking. You are trying to establish your boundary and mark your territory.

Sharing Money is an indication for your need for a break. You are achieving new heights and overcoming your fears. You are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Your dream is a sign for a guide of the soul. You are enjoying life’s little pleasure.

Dreaming of Share and Money

Share in your dream is a symbol for characteristics which you have not acknowledged or incorporated into your own personality. You are missing a partner in life. You tend to be more on your toes when it comes to someone else’s parents. Your dream is an evidence for the consequences of your words and what you say about others. You are over-thinking things.

Money in dream signifies a loss of control and power. You are open to criticism, ideas and opinions. You need to better contain your your emotions. The dream is a clue for your insecurity, fears and sense of helplessness. You need to be more focused on your tasks or goals.

Dream about both “Share” and “Money” suggests either anger or passion that you are keeping locked up within yourself. You are not prepared for the major changes that are happening around you. It is time to quit punishing yourself and take it easy for a while. The dream is a premonition for fear, limitations and negative aspects of yourself. You are too impulsive and relying too much on fate.

Dream about sharing money is a symbol for a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self. You are feeling restless. You are involved in a slightly sticky situation. This dream is a sign for your professional mobility. You are flexible and understanding in your thinking.

⭐Share⭐ to appreciate human effort 🙏

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I had a dream where I was in a particular environment. Everyone gathered in a hall awaiting a guest, I was supposed to be part of them but I was busy doing something. Suddenly the arrival of the guest was announced, it was a prominent gospel artist. Immediately he came he started sharing money ( a cheque ) . He threw it in the air and people caught them. when I saw this, I ran to join the team but unfortunately I did not get any and I felt sad, though he only gave a few about 5 people received. I thought if only I was with them, I would have received something.


I had a dream, where I’m sharing money to old women

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