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Dream about shared house

Dream about Shared House is a portent for remembrance. You may need to show more love and compassion in your life. You are last in line for something. Your dream represents your quest for the grander things in life. You are experience a relapse of sorts.

Shared House signals the beginning stages of your life journey. You are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics. You may be questioning your job or your abilities. The dream is an indication for your boundless creativity. You still need to piece together your thoughts and emotions.

Dreaming of Share and House

Share in your dream stands for a conscious effort to achieve whatever endeavor you chose to undertake. Your growth is being hindered or slowed in some way. Light has been shed on something that was once confusing. This dream denotes your stress level or to your vulnerability. There is some learning you need to do in order to get ahead in life.

House in dream is a sign for plentitude and abundance. You need to confront the issue and stop relying on outside help. You need to get a handle on who you are. The dream is sometimes some burden or responsibility that you are carrying around. You need to be more in tune with your spiritual side.

Dream about both “Share” and “House” draws attention to the feelings you have rejected. You are lacking understanding, knowledge or awareness of some situation. You are doing harm to yourself with your reckless behaviors and activities. The dream signifies the womb and thus signify refuge, protection and concealment. Something in your life does not feel quite real.

Dream about shared house states immortality, life and fertility. You are experiencing some disruptions that are hindering your goals. You always have something or someone you can lean on. Your dream is an indication for the bonds and friendships that you made while you were in high school. Your current life path will lead to fulfillment of your needs and realization of your goals.

⭐Share⭐ to appreciate human effort 🙏

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In my dream, I ran away from my family to find myself in an apartment with stunning views in a neighbouring country, but I was sharing one room with some people. One of the roommates gave me a really tight hug from behind which lasted for some time.


Me and 2 work mates (let’s call them, jack and simon) got a house together, anyway jack didn’t want Simon to stay with us but I didn’t care what jack said, i was doing up our rooms and realised that Simon was going to bunk in my room with me, I didn’t mind but noticed there was a spare room and jack didn’t want him in there so I asked Simon if he wanted his own room, he said yes, so I helped him move his bed a that in, jack was so angry with me that he distance himself from me and Simon


I dreamed of viewing a houseshare lots of rooms friendly happy people, but I was only wearing a long netted/laced Cardigan and my breast were exposed. Only a brief time in the dream did I feel uncomfortable and exposed which was in the kitchen area with 2 male were there staring and asked me to flash them which I seemed to have done without care or fear (one was gay and the other was not).irl I would never do that.

Looby Lou

shared house near the sea with lots of people almost like a B&B, couple with children staying there. While swimming, parents below water looking up saw whale wrap child in fins and swim off, whale wouldn’t take father with them. Whales swam very quickly to north of country to where I live in real life on the coast