Home » Old » Dream about seeing yourself old

Dream about seeing yourself old

Dream about Seeing Yourself Old symbolises your need to express more love and affection. You have great self control and an ability to turn your emotions on and off at will. You are in need. This dream means an aspect of your life that is in need of your attention. They are up to something.

Seeing Yourself Old points to your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. It takes time and effort to hone and improve your skill. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you are on the verge of some new awareness. This dream is sometimes minor and temporary setbacks that are keeping you from getting to your destination. You may be taking on a new role.

Dreaming of See and Old

See in your dream is a metaphor for something you are trying to convey or express from the heart. You may be feeling disconnected or distant from others. You are shutting others out. This dream stands for your desire for children or your preoccupation with having a child. You are looking at things the wrong way.

Old in dream is your sense of self-worth. It is time to let loose. You are still scarred emotionally or physically from some past situation or relationship. Your dream symbolises insecurity or selfishness. You are afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation.

Dream about both “See” and “Old” stands for problems and issues that you have ignored or avoided for too long. You are not looking deep enough into some decision or problem. Someone is undermining your ability. This dream is sadly an admonition for a lack of responsibility for the way you are living. The bad times are coming to an end.

Dream about seeing yourself old symbolises dissatisfaction with the direction that a project or situation is going. You are afraid of the new responsibilities ahead for you. You are evaluating your role and how you are perceived by society. The dream refers to joyous release and pleasure. You are carrying a lot of burden.

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I dreamt of myself as an elderly beautiful and clean woman and I was thin while I’m little chubby in real life.


I have a dream of been in a place with some number of people and all of us were very old,in fact, we looked like about hundred years old,at a sudden, almost everybody died and accept three of us, that’s me and other two people…


All I saw was me laying in a bed as an old lady then I woke up