Home » Seashell » Dream about seashell

Dream about seashell

Dream about Seashell is a message for your desperate desire to escape from your life. You are wasting your time and energy on unproductive pursuits. You need to incorporate or acknowledge certain feminine aspects into your own self. Your dream points at your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. Your guard is up in some relationship.

Seashell points at a time where you had less responsibilities and less worries. Sometimes you need to take life less seriously and be more carefree. You want to be less inhibited and explore other areas of personality. The dream is a metaphor for youth and rebellion. You are harboring feelings of hostility.

Dream about Seashell [the shell of a marine organism] signifies your repressed thoughts. You need to incorporate some aspects into your own self. Perhaps you are being overlooked. Your dream is a sign for a stressful situation and refer to a relationship/situation in which you feel suffocated. You have uncovered a part of yourself that you did not realize existed within yourself.

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