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Dream about running and hiding from someone

Dream about Running And Hiding From Someone indicates a great struggle between you and your opponents. You are feeling alienated and disconnected. It is time to take a stand and be more assertive. This dream is an omen for the setbacks that you are experiencing in your life. You are feeling emotionally repressed.

Run in your dream is a message for some environmental issue that you are concerned about or involved with. You need to believe in yourself and in your abilities. A threat has passed. The dream is a symbol for the battle of love and hate. You need to accept and love who you are, even your flaws or shortcomings.

Hide dream is an indication for your inner fears. You need to look past the exterior and focus on the inside. You are being shorted or getting the short end of the stick. Your dream hints a transformation or cleansing. You have a don’t care attitude about things.

Someone in this dream is a portent for self acceptance. You or someone is being given special treatment. You need to find a way to divert attention from something else. Your dream is a hint for unrealized hopes. Major changes will occur over a short period of time.

Dreaming of Run and Hide and Someone

Dream About Running And Hiding is sometimes vitality and renewal. You need to be more affectionate in your life. You are feeling upbeat and groovy. This dream suggests comfort, relaxation and warmth. You want to cut loose and go wild.

Dream About Running Someone is an omen for caution. You have significant influence on others. You are reluctantly moving into a new stage in your life. Your dream means a memory or to something in the past that you are holding onto. You are feeling tremendous mental strain and are trying to reach out for help.

Dream About Hide Someone is a signal for an subconscious cry for help. You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. You need to push forward. This dream points at comfort, solace, or satisfaction. You are gaining a new perspective on things.

Dream about Running And Hiding From Someone suggests emotional inhibitions. There is something that you need to put aside right now. You are ready to reveal something hidden about yourself. Your dream is an indication for your need for spiritual nourishment and enlightenment. You are feeling emotionally content or satisfied.

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I dreamt and the people from the organisation I work at were forcibly asking to go marry someone . I started running and hiding, I run through uncompleted houses and bushes until I found a house with people there and so begged them to let me hide so they allowed me stay in there . After sometime I came out and saw one person from the organisation who actually is nice to me in real life and likes me , I started to cry because I thought he would take me back but he didnt even care that I was there , he came to do whatever he wanted to do and left .


Dream part1:
Me running into a house and searching for room to hide from someone,also telling my mother not to expose me but she shows them my hiding place and I’m in shock as to why did she do that.that someone was a group of men from a organisation and they eventually caught me.


My mother dream about my mother and I was running from a man who want to give us injection but we both are running and hiding in home from him he his chasing us were we are running man was chasing us than we ask why you are chasing us the man tell we want to put injection then we both run and hide in one home they went


I had a dream about being in a desert and on top of my mountain. I was with someone hiding on a mountain and I was with another person hiding and watching someone run away from his opponents. I was warning him to not quit running because they were behind him about to get him they were fbi agents. Then we both met up and got on a train.


Me and my old neighbor/friend were running and hiding from the old WWE wrestler, the Undertaker. There were two others whom I did not know (or do not remember). He was scared, but I wasn’t. My friend started doing acrobatic gymnastic moves thru some trees to try to escape. The Undertaker following him, doing the same, caught him in the middle of a move, did two full swings around a branch holding my neighbor, then threw him down into what look like a never ending fall (I couldn’t see the ground)

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