Home » Drum » Dream about playing drum

Dream about playing drum

Dream about Playing Drum is a clue for a message from the subconscious or spiritual realm. It is time to face the facts. You need to be strong. Your dream is a message for your own relationship with a person. There is an important lesson that you and only you need to learn.

Playing Drum expresses strength and good health. You feel a disconnect with your own father or mother. You are under tremendous emotional stress which you need to confront. This dream denotes something that you need to retrieve or regain control of. You must let go of the past in order to move forward with your life.

Dreaming of Play and Drum

Play in your dream draws attention to evitable changes. You need a reality check. You feel that others do not think you can do things for yourself. The dream is a signal for your ability to assert your ideas and offer guidance to others. There may be an obstacle ahead for you.

Drum in dream is sometimes your need for security and to be protected. You are reverting back to your old habits and ways. You need to get in touch with some aspect of yourself. This dream signals a loss or a period of mourning. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent.

Dream about both “Play” and “Drum” is an indication for a cold and unyielding quality. You are ignoring the masculine aspect of yourself (if you are female) or the feminine aspect of yourself (if you are male). Your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Your dream draws attention to your stubbornness and your refusal to change your attitudes and opinions. You may not be making yourself clear to others.

Dream about playing drum is a symbol for your competitive nature and the need to win. It also refers to your achievements. You are always on the move. Your dream indicates the shadow aspect of a friend. Perhaps you are somewhat jealous.

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I dreamt that I was in my parents’ home, beating a bass drum. I noticed that the more I played, the better I became, and I began to wonder how I could be this skilled. The more I improved, the more I enjoyed playing.

As I continued, my brother and another person around me started dancing. The rhythm of the beat was traditional, and their dance was both cultural and spiritual at the same time.

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