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Dream about pet lobster

Dream about Pet Lobster indicates an enormous sense of freedom from letting down your emotional wall. You are drumming up business. Someone in your life is offering you protection and stability. The dream is a clue for solitude and unfaithfulness. You need to reach out to others and offer your help.

Pet Lobster is a symbol for enjoyment and tranquility at home. Light needs to be shed on some dark situation. You want to know the options that are available to you. This dream means your leadership skills and your ability to shape the minds of others. You hold the key to unlocking your inner feelings and emotions.

Dreaming of Pet and Lobster

Pet in your dream is a signal for the cruel and cynical side of your own character. You are reacting to things with an envious or monetary mindset. You are being set up to take the fall for the actions of others. Your dream is an evidence for some guilt that you are suppressing and refusing to acknowledge. You are feeling emotionally or financially drained.

Lobster in dream is a signal for money and what little you have of it. No matter how bleak circumstances may currently be, you know deep inside that things will work itself out. You need to live life to the fullest. Your dream refers to your burning passion and libido. You do not hold back in your relationship and tend to give your full self into it.

Dream about both “Pet” and “Lobster” is sadly a problem where you may be confused about. Someone close to you is unable to keep a secret. You feel that the problem has a stronghold on you. The dream is a portent for future disappointments. You are being too serious or uptight.

Dream about pet lobster is an evidence for potential, heartiness and longevity. You are experiencing some struggles in your life. You need to be more tenacious and determined in achieving your goals. Your dream denotes your commitment to a relationship or to a new endeavor. You have put your own goals on hold.

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