Dream about Peacock is second chances. You may be repressing your desires. You may be yearning for a baby or that you are expecting a baby. Your dream is an evidence for your inability to make connections. You are setting standards for yourself or of what you think others expect of you.
Peacock stands for togetherness and social gatherings. You want others to know exactly who you are. You are feeling jarred or shaken-up by something or someone. This dream is a sign for some overwhelming task or emotion that you are going through in your life. You need to literally get a jumpstart on your goals.
Dream about Peacock [European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each marked with a purple eyespot] is a premonition for your right leaning political views. You feel that someone is out to get you. You are receiving some message from your subconscious. This dream suggests someone who may be a mentor or caring person. The answer to a decision that you need to make is yes.
Dream about Peacock [male peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots] is a symbol for how you are performing in various aspects of your life. You are experiencing some financial issues. You are trying to downplay or suppress certain issues. The dream is sometimes your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some situation. You are not acknowledging some aspect of yourself that is represented by your cousin.
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I dreamt Me, my dad and my own brothers wife were travelling in the car, the car has only the front window it seems like small car, my father driving the car and me and my brothers wife were sitting in the car, we are moving in the huge Rock area, and some places in that area were also filled with some stones as well,my dad overtaking the car very fast, but I’m very scared like if the car gets hit by the rock, but my dad driving very well in the Rocky area, driving very fast but none rock hit the car after we crossed it the new place arrived were there was a big peacock with big beautiful feathers, the length of the peacock was big, I saw very green leaves, and green grass beautiful place what is the meaning of this dream. Plz let me know
Today I saw i went to my aunts home and her grandson told me they got a peacock. So when I went to see the peacock, i saw a tent like structure and when I opened , i saw there was a peacock, a healthy yet old looking wise goat with white goatee , a fluffy orangish cat and may be 2 snakes and 2 small girls. They were all huddled in this tent. I wondered why are they in such a small place and why did my aunt get them.The peacock was caressing my feet nd i was talking to the 2 girls about food.