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Dream about paddy

Dream about Paddy signals defiance. Perhaps you are being overly practical in some area of your life. You may be dealing with old demons and inner struggles. This dream expresses guidance toward the center and self-orientation. Nothing is working out the way you had anticipated.

Paddy points at your changing roles. You are successfully getting rid of your old habits/ways and thinking patterns. You need to rethink the choices that you are making in you life. Your dream hints someone who is excessively gullible or sentimental. Some of your conservative views are in conflict with your liberal and wild side.

Dream about Paddy [(ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Irish descent] is an indication for a fear of an imbalance in your energy. You are looking for some assistance. You feel the rules do not apply to you. The dream points at your fast paced life as you try to balance several things at the same time. You are unfairly framing someone else for an issue.

Dream about Paddy [an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown] is a message for how others perceive you. You are in denial. You see things too trivially. The dream states rebirth and unrealized potential. Sometimes you need to take yourself out of the situation so you can gain a different view.

Dream about Paddy [rice in the husk either gathered or still in the field] is a sign for a transition or phase. You need for more calmness in your life. You are being shorted or getting the short end of the stick. Your dream is sometimes some financial gain. You are experiencing an isolation period.

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