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Dream about nice hotel

Dream about Nice Hotel signifies your ability to retain what is valuable to you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. You are seeking acceptance in order to move forward. This dream is about your idealistic notions of what a leader should be. You have a phobia.

Nice Hotel is a harbinger for success, pleasure and joy. Some new project is in the works. You are reliable and dependable. This dream states a need for spiritual healing. Perhaps you are feeling steamed about something.

Dreaming of Nice and Hotel

Nice in your dream signals qualities within yourself that are yielding and can be changed. Power or impotence, depending on the situation. You are ready to burst. The outcome may be damaging and hurtful, especially to those around you. This dream is a portent for your fears that some hidden aspect of your life will be discovered or made public. You need to stop living in the past and look forward toward the future.

Hotel in dream expresses your desire to control the outcome of a situation. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps you are too rigid in your thinking. The dream is a symbol for a mental imprint that remains persistent in your mind. You are being judged.

Dream about both “Nice” and “Hotel” is sadly an imbalance and lack of confidence in some situation. You may be lacking passion in your life to the point where it has gotten somewhat mechanical. Your problems and difficulties will soon be over. This dream is rejected or unwanted aspects of yourself. You are worshipping false values and ideas.

Dream about nice hotel is a signal for a message from your subconscious that you need to listen to or follow. You are keeping a secret. You are neglecting your emotional, mental and spiritual health. Your dream hints an end to something and the beginning of something else. You are being entrusted with power and authority.

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I was staying in a nice hotel a couple of hours drive away from my home. I was driving around on the day I was supposed to leave and I wasn’t sure where I was going. I turned on a side street but as soon as I turned the car stalled. For some reason I got out and started walking around. The streets were clean but unfamiliar. I thought I’d better do something about the car but then couldn’t find it. I used the GPS to locate it and it said the car had been towed. It was past checkout time so I called the hotel to tell them I needed to stay another day. somehow I was back in my room which was on an upper floor. Several people were in the room who seemed to be cleaning it including the manager. The man on the phone told me the amount, and I said that’s another $70. The manager wrote down $108 and I was grateful. I called the tow company to get my car but the man wouldn’t tell me the cost. Someone told me it would be $1000 after the fees. I didn’t have it. I thought to call my family.

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