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Dream about money

The dream about money signifies a deep-rooted desire within you, dear dreamer. It reflects your relentless ambition, your drive for success, and your burning desire to achieve financial stability. This dream serves as a reminder that you possess a remarkable work ethic and an unwavering determination to reach your goals. Your disappointment in the dream could stem from the fact that you may be feeling overwhelmed or even doubtful about your ability to manifest these desires into actuality. However, let me assure you that your inner strength and remarkable perseverance will be your guiding light on this journey. Continue embracing your natural talents, and remember to channel your energy towards manifesting abundance in all aspects of your life. Your resilience and positive mindset will undoubtedly lead you towards the financial security and material success you desire.

Dream about Money represents your inability to balance various aspects of your life. You are an authority figure. You are subconsciously rebelling against authority. The dream states control over your emotions. You need to be more organized and methodical in your decision-making and other aspects of your daily life.

Money is an evidence for feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. Perhaps you are also seeking for some recognition for your progress. You have no privacy. Your dream symbolises the influence of evil around you. You need to exercise some control and objectiveness.

Dream about Money [the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender] stands for mischief, deceit and mockery. Perhaps you need to settle down a little. Perhaps someone is in need of rescue from some circumstance and it is your job to protect them. Your dream is an evidence for your simplistic needs and desires. You are turning into someone.

Dream about Money [wealth reckoned in terms of money] is an omen for your ability to control your actions and react at a precise or optimal moment. You are wigging-out or making a big deal over some trivial matter. It is time for introspection and solace. The dream is sometimes impatience or impulsiveness. You are being toasted or intoxicated.

Dream about Money [the official currency issued by a government or national bank] is a portent for small and irrational fears that you are feeling in your life. You might need to tone down your personality a bit. You are struggling with your own selfish needs. The dream is an evidence for aspects of your subconscious. You do not let your emotions rule your actions.

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“I dreamt that 7 billion naira was transferred to me, and I withdrew 1 billion naira to use for a project I had been planning for a while


I saw the money I was expecting come in, and a family friend’s mother advised me to start utilizing every bit of money wisely so I don’t end up with nothing in the future. I thanked her and left. I withdrew money from my late landlady and made sure I collected my money from the lady accompanying me.


I dreamt dat my cousin was sprayed new notes and then as she was holding onto d money, it poured out her hands so I helped pack it without taking from it. I made sure to pick all and gave her.. But then I saw some dirty notes(local&foreign) which I decided to keep for myself.


I was in a program which they ask questions nd if u did not get it u will pay money someone did not get his right nd he paid to me I left the program with the money I got to where I use to buy something I got food but the meat is assorted snail with the shell people followed me there nd they ask me to buy something for dem I spent all the money that I was even owing the people I bought something from. I said I was going to transfer it to dem but i didn’t know how to get the money I just said it


I dreamed that i found 150 dollar bill in the floor and later i found another one but it was wet. I was with somebody at this time. Later i found my old crush that i used to talk about in here and he appeared ugly and i noticed he had a beard.

Priscilla B

I had a second dream in the same night about money! I dreamt I was left in my friends house, while she was out and on the phone with me. I was asking her if she had baby oil while simultaneously searching myself. I came across some cans and diapers which I knew was her stash. I immediately put everything back and was feeling like I found something I shouldn’t have.


In my dream I heard myself saying get back my money money


In my dream i saw a car parked and a lady walked by it towards me. She was angry and pointing towards me. She said i’ll give you $20


I had a dream where I was given money by a stranger whom I’ve seen on the internet, and I felt really happy. As a surprise, the guy gave me much more than I was expecting to receive.


I had a financial dream. There were three bags full of cash and coins. A family member took $5. If was there I didn’t care.


I dream of me in my grandma’s house with my aunt, my grandma organized something for kids and I helped her sort it, I had a money bag with lots of bunded up cash, it was my money and i gave her some, the one bundle left my aunt try reach for it but I told her no closed the bag and said it was mine. I stood up to leave, went out the door and saw my uncle coming I dislike him. He tells me that I’m not little anymore so one day we’ll both sit and talk so he can give me money for things w bad intent


Dreamt that I exchanged gold coins for paper money.


I was looking at the candle stick chart of a stock. The price of stock was growing, so I opened multiple buy positions and closed the positions after some raise in stock price and gained money in a short amount of time.


I was in the dream some gave someone money so in other not make me feel bad he also gavee and another person was about to give me the money got torn in two and I had to replace it with that one some else gave me.


I was in the dream we bought some cable and it was very heavy with gas and other things while I did the heavy carrying. Later I received a message from my uncle abroad that I spent alot of money on carrying the goods but I said to him in a message that I did the heavy load myself. I was also in the dream I was being paid in a currency higher than trillions I was extremely free from financial issues, I had someone who was always following and go errands for me as my bodyguard or boy.


I was in the dream my mum was saying something about her having 2000 Euros and I was like we are rich already. So she gave me I went to change the money to my local currency. And was wondering how it has being there and she said nothing about it.


I was in the dream I saw some money I kept somewhere it was in small dinomination eventually it started adding up and it looked conveniencing that it was mine. But on the other hand looked like it was for my roommate but I was the one counting it and keeping so that I wasn’t really sure I was the in that owns all of it but I knew I started it all.

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