Dream about Missile Attack is a portent for the many different roles you have in your life. You are putting up an emotional barrier around you and as a result, pushing the people away. You will overcome hardships and misfortune. The dream expresses a spiritual cleansing. There is something that you need to pay special attention to.
Missile Attack is a message for your rights. You need to proceed carefully and weigh all the pros and cons of some important decision. It is time to take a more decisive role in directing your life. This dream suggests harmony amongst friends and loved ones. You are rejecting some aspect of society.
The dream about a missile attack symbolizes chaos, unpredictability, and a sense of danger. This dream may reflect the complex and ever-changing circumstances you have encountered in your life recently, dear dreamer. The imagery of the missile attack signifies the presence of external threats and challenges that may be causing you deep-rooted fear and uncertainty. However, it is crucial to recognize the strength and bravery that radiates from your character. Your ability to confront these fears head-on and navigate through challenging situations with resilience is truly commendable. Remember, my dear, that fear is a natural response to the unknown, but it should never hinder your progress. Embrace each obstacle as an opportunity for growth and approach it with your unwavering determination. Believe in yourself, for your capacity to overcome any chaos is as powerful as the brightest stars guiding your path.
Dreaming of Missile and Attack
Missile in your dream draws attention to reaffirmation or acceptance of a condition, situation or decision. Perhaps you feel pressured into doing something that you really do not want to do. You are overly concerned about how you come across to others and how they see you. This dream states some aspect of yourself that you need to acknowledge or recognize within yourself. You are being overly critical of others.
Attack in dream refers to little things that can be beneficial for your growth and well-being. You need to pay attention to what you are doing and where you are going. You are wearing yourself out. The dream states unresolved issues from the past. You are behaving immaturely in some situation.
Dream about both “Missile” and “Attack” is a portent for your suppressed anger that is coming to the surface and threatening to get out of control. Something in your life does not add up. You feel that things are going too fast. This dream is unfortunately a warning signal for your lack of sensitivity. You are being too materialistic and superficial.
Dream about missile attack is an indication for true friends and faithfulness in love. You are in control of your subconscious and aspects that you were once afraid of. You are keeping your temper in line. Your dream indicates self-exploration and your connection with a higher power. You are experiencing some instability in your life.
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I was being treated unjustly by the people on a plane. There were some higher authorities who were involved.
I was complaining about it while my sister was supporting it. Next thing I know, there was a missile directed to my house. It was coming towards us. My sister saw it too. While it is hitting my house. I saw the missile going through my innocent sister’s hip and I was devastated.
I woke up immediately after that feeling devastated.
I just woke up with a big fright, I started crying. I was on the downtown bus, I saw my father was on the other side of the road with sisters . But before that the someone wanted to let us off the bus because we were warned about something, I stayed on the bus..At one moment there were many rockets in the sky, I started screaming to let me go off, I saw how one of them fell near my father from a distance, the explosion threw them away and the fire went wide, then I woke up
I had two related dreams starting with my car being on fire but everything remained intact with the seats slightly damaged. Then I dreamt I saw a Goodyear blimp crash at my house 20 ft in front of me it burst in flames and was followed by a missile (which I assumed was meant to extinguish it) there was a 2nd explosion and the fire put itself out. It burnt part of the garage but otherwise everything stayed intact just like the car… both fires put themselves out and I was directly in front of them
In my dream I was outside with a big group of people and I looked up and one of the stars started coming down and then a jet or middle came down and started failing dropping smoke bombs bombs and we had to try running away and when I Looked up at there was a door I ran in the door and then I woke up
I was dreaming of a fat and short “rocket” or missile hitting the old school building in front of our house. I was worried because it might hit the people inside the building. This is really my first time dreaming of a rocket.
I had a dream that some people were destroying everything so we ran. My grandmother and my younger brother went to find a place to hide and i went to collect some necessities.Those people were similar to zombies who were coming after us. I then interacted siblings (sister and brother). We were killing the zombies and simultaneously fetching eatable things. But then the army arrived and we were locked inside. I fell in love with that brother and and then we saw a missile attack on an embassy. We
hii, last night I saw a dream in which there were hazy clouds in the sky and many missiles were crashing into themselves.. some kind of… after the collision of missiles I also saw fire in the sky .. and I was seeing all these things by standing on the roof of my house and I was alone.. nobody was there at all…
P. s. – missiles were quite far away from me..
I dreamed of multiple missiles fell on the ground but did not hear nor see the boom.. one of the missiles after falling was remotely hunting me( being directed by two persons), i am trying to run but it caught up to me, i am afraid and waiting for it to explode, but i woke uo before the explosion.
I dreamt of being in a high rise building with my daughters. We heard an explosion only to look up to the sky and see fighter jets shooting missiles at our building.
I saw a skull cloud in the night sky then it dissipated.
I thought to myself how strange a cloud that was then 2 jets roared overhead and sent missiles into buildings around me and the missiles exploded and when I thought it was going to hit me it stopped.
I met 2 younger brothers in their 20’s.
Navy seals. they were very friendly like brothers to me.
I dreamt 1 of my parents looked much younger in his teen years packing a bag to leave telling me I need to be strong.
I was visiting friends (people I have never seen before in a house I have never known). There were other people there too and we all seemed to get along. I was there without my husband and child, they did not seem to exist (I was the age I am now 50+). Suddenly my host said he heard a strange sound and as I turned to the window a large (black) missile and a fighter jet passed the window at close range. Everyone panicked. A museum and train station were demolished…I was afraid and relieved.
I saw a dream last night where I was at some market place with my family. A strong wind blew suddenly and someone from the crowd shouted to get down and cover ourselves. We did so and saw in the sky, a huge missile coming. What was strange was that it crashed to a mountain in the front which was far away from us. Then another came and crashed there. There was no panic from the crowd howsoever. The scene changed and there were news reporters reporting about the situation.
I’m dreaming of maneuvering an airplane and landing a missiles many times jejeje
In this dream I was with my parents’ best friends and there was a TV news/radio which informed the missile was going to land. I could hear it nearing and there was a sudden voice message from the landlord to stay out of the “right” side of the house. In my fear, I did not remember which side did he mention so I ducked under a table in the middle of the house, hoping for the best. the next morning my parents tell me that my aunt had died on spot and my uncle was hospitalized. Terrified!
I dreamt last night, there is a group of terrorist launching missiles directly at me. They were trying to kill me and I was looking for a place to hide out.
I dream t that missiles were falling from the sky and i was freaking out and running. I remember running between two trees
There’s a missile in my dream that will fall to me and i dodge it then i try to change it position before it explode
I was in a crowded city as a missile struck a building nearby. The whole building came down on top of me but I was not crushed to death to my astonishment. I found my family and we ran towards the sea and jumped in where a whole crowd of people were floating. A second missile struck in the distance and I ducked for cover in the water. A few more missiles would go off and after repeated submerging I woke up.
Last night, I saw a dream where me and my family were on a hilly place. when we looked up in the sky there were so many missiles coming towards us but it didn’t cause much destruction. I told everyone to hide in there rooms below table or bed or anything like that if this happens again. later my dad took me to a new place and we talked about many random things. actually i don’t talk to my father and the dream just made me feel sad and concerned for no reason.
The beginning of my very lucid dream began with this “intuition” someone was trying to kill me. Following this feeling, a missile came and struck the ground less than 50ft away. I took shelter under the stairs at the entrance of my work, and more missiles struck close enough I couldn’t believe the debris weren’t striking me. I had 2 co workers who had come out and continued to walk to their own cars, seemingly unconcerned with these missiles. They’d stop as one struck, then continue walking.
I had a dream about a plane and that it was shooting out a missile . We started driving fast the sparks began to hit me and then a flash of white appeared and me and my brother died and were shown how the missile affected us
dreamt last night of a missile drifting quietly and slowly towards my field, aiming for the ground but then sharply veering left back up in the air still skimming the trees. I heard it crash into trees in the next doors field. I turned to my 20 years ago landlady and said, “did you see that?And hang on, what are you doing in my dream?” She smiled but I woke up before she answered.