Dreaming about the military represents your deep-rooted sense of discipline and structure in your life. Just like the military, you value order and rules, and you strive to maintain a sense of control and organization. This dream is a reflection of your admirable strength and determination to accomplish tasks efficiently. Your anxiety might stem from the fear of losing control or facing chaos in your life. However, remember that your natural discipline and ability to create structure will guide you through any challenging situation. Embrace your inner strength and let it guide you towards success.
Dream about Military is a premonition for defeat over your adversaries. You are trying to recapture something valuable from your past. You are going through some crisis in your life. This dream indicates the difficulty you are experiencing in some situation. You are overreacting in some situation.
Military is an omen for a conflict or a fear that you are facing in your life. You need to let go of old emotions and past relationships. You are ready to let go of some of the burdens, responsibilities or emotional baggage that you are carrying around. This dream hints either access or restriction. You need to let your guard down and learn to be more open and receptive.
Dream about Military [the military forces of a nation] points to a healthy mental drive. You need to be more aggressive. Some issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself. Your dream is a harbinger for extravagance and overindulgence. You are experiencing some inner turmoil and need intervention.
Dream about Military [of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare] is confusion or chaos in your life. You need to look to the issues or problems from a different perspective. Your life is feeling out of control. The dream is about your inability to convey a certain message. You have been deceived.
Dream about Military [characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military] draws attention to your desire to escape from the routine and mundaness of your daily life. You may be on the verge of overstepping your boundaries or taking certain risks in your life. You are giving up too easily. This dream is sometimes undying and never ending love. You are at the brink of desperation and want to destroy something or some aspect of yourself.
Dream about Military [associated with or performed by members of the armed services as contrasted with civilians] is a symbol for aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. You need to be more spiritually disciplined. You are tending to the needs of others and putting their needs first instead of your needs. Your dream is an indication for a conflict between your Self and your desires and between instant gratification and long term goals. You are feeling a lack of love.
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I dreamt I was in my hometown, standing on a decking with others, all dressed in full military outfits. A general came to address us, and we saluted him. I was still learning how to salute properly and follow military protocols.
I dreamed I was 17 and at a livestock expo ( which I did as a kid) however my wife and kids were present and part of my life. I killed another contestant and the military police arrested me because I had been in the military. They flew me to a military installation and let me bring my current dog along in the chopper until she became sick. Then they put her out on the road . Once we arrived at the installation there was a chow hall. The arresting MP and I had a joint meal we shared while they
I dreamt am military force, just 2 of us in an aircraft, we then landed to fight another force but twas just 1person, he managed to kill my partner,I spoke to him& decided to let him go,2 guys who were with him came out& told him to convince me to join them,which he did& with some time I agreed and followed them into a room, like a class room right beside our aircraft, some (very)familiar girls were in there watching porn on tv. 1 of them decide to recreate the oral sex with me
Saw I was in a vehicle with some couple of friends and a battalion of army in military vehicles where pursing us, they never cut up on us as the driver drove speedily.