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Dream about licking blood

Dream about Licking Blood signals the path and direction of your life. You are being held back from fully expressing yourself. You win at something. The dream points at harmony and cooperation. You are preoccupied with your appearance and are worried about how others perceive you.

Licking Blood hints your accomplishments, self-image and perception of the world. You are doing something that will be good for everybody. You are keeping certain things hidden. This dream signals reluctance in starting over or in taking a new direction. You are reflecting back on your own accomplishments, memories and key moments in life.

Dreaming of Lick and Blood

Lick in your dream is a sign for a situation where you need to be on your best behavior. You have overcome your obstacles and setbacks. You have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. This dream is a signal for something or someone you have missed. You are behaving childish or immaturely.

Blood in dream represents their insignificance. You are excluded or feel excluded. You need to be more calm. Your dream is a clue for sharing and companionship. Things that may initially hurt you will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Dream about both “Lick” and “Blood” is unfortunately the boundary you are trying to establish between your personal and private or you feel the need to defend yourself in some way. You need to reduce your desires and problems in order to alleviate the pressure you are putting on yourself. You are not being cooperative. Your dream hints aspects of yourself which you have kept hidden and buried away. You feel somebody who is close is not listening to you.

Dream about licking blood indicates an idealistic relationship. You are seeking your own individuality and development. You may need to show more love and compassion in your life. The dream is a message for light-hearted companionships. You are confronting your repressed emotions.

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Hello I dreamed of being in my menstrual periods and a man was licking my blood I tried to stop him from licking but he was not listening to me and in real life I was in my menstruation

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