In your dream, the presence of a kitchen symbolizes your incredible creativity and ability to bring forth new ideas and concepts into the world. It serves as a reminder that you possess a vivid imagination and an innovative spirit that is admired by those around you. The dream captures a sense of nurturing, as the kitchen is a place where meals are lovingly prepared and shared with loved ones. This signifies your instinctual nature to care for others and provide a safe space for those in need. Your feeling of hunger in the dream emphasizes your passionate drive to continuously create and nourish those around you, both in your personal and professional life.
Dream about Kitchen hints death and destruction. You need time to heal and recovery, either emotionally or physically. You are incorporating a little variety in your life. The dream draws attention to your unfulfilled desires and wishes. Perhaps you have some unfinished business between a person.
Kitchen points to your supportive nature. There is something in your life that is no longer needed. You have issues of control and the desire to know the unknown. The dream points at hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront or acknowledge. You are using your appearance to get your way.
Dream about Kitchen [a room equipped for preparing meals] is a premonition for your indecisiveness and self doubt. You are being confronted by some unknown people, situation or idea which you are afraid of. You feel that you do not measure up to others ideals or expectations. Your dream denotes binding, cohesion, or joining. You need to assert and stand up for yourself in your life.
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I saw that my roommate had made/ bought like 10 or more different types of food, bread etc. It was on the stove and kitchen counter, I assumed that she had cravings, bought these many, wasn’t able to finish and left it there itself. I am not close with her, we say hi that’s all.
I was walking in the sidewalk of a house. It was all dark. I couldn’t see anything. Then I saw a house adjacent to the one I was walking on the sidewalk of. I could only see a brightly lit kitchen. I saw my younger brother washing someone else’s cup.