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Dream about king

The dream about a king signifies authority and control. Just like the king in your dream, you possess a natural knack for leadership and have a strong presence that people are naturally drawn to. Your ability to influence others is remarkable, and this dream is a reminder of the great power you hold within you. Your feeling of inspiration during this dream shows your inner desire to step into a position of authority and make a positive impact on the world. Don’t hold back, dear dreamer, as your natural leadership skills combined with your feeling of inspiration can truly bring about remarkable changes in your life and the lives of those around you.

Dream about King is a portent for your shyness. You are wasting your energy on unproductive pursuits. You are taking drastic measures to get control of your destiny. This dream represents a need for change or a deviation from your normal routine. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea.

King is a premonition for a situation that is bringing out similar feelings from your past relationships. You will overcome your current problems. You need to take a more unconventional approach to a situation. This dream is your passiveness in a situation. You are unveiling aspects of your subconscious.

Dream about King [a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom] represents the union of opposites and balance. You need to push yourself to do better in all that you do. There is something that you need to prepare for. This dream is an evidence for your quest for fame and glamour. You need to determine if you have what it takes to achieve your goals.

Dream about King [a competitor who holds a preeminent position] is an omen for deception and temptation. You are being imitated. You need to stop what you are doing and rethink about the situation before moving forward. Your dream is your difficulty in connecting with somebody. There is some imbalance in some aspect of your life.

Dream about Baron [a very wealthy or powerful businessman] means unfriendly companions. You have overcome your obstacles and setbacks. You need to stop looking at things as a joke. The dream points to obstacles in your path. You need to reevaluate your options.

Dream about King [preeminence in a particular category or group or field] is a sign for laziness. You are being too controlling. Perhaps you are expressing some dismay or regret in how you let something slip through fingers. This dream is a metaphor for your inability to get what you want. You have completely lost your mind.

Dream about King [United States woman tennis player (born in 1943)] stands for your refusal to accept another viewpoint. There are some family or domestic issues that you need to deal with. You need to reevaluate your options. Your dream is a sign for hard work. You feel that your sense of privacy is being invaded.

Dream about King [United States guitar player and singer of the blues (born in 1925)] signals hard work, diligence, cooperation and industry. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are signified. You may be trying to fulfill some emotional need. This dream suggests money being given or lost. You need to be more in tune with your instincts.

Dream about King [United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968)] draws attention to your commitment to be fair in a situation. You need to start to look at things from another point of view. You need to stop comparing yourself to others. This dream draws attention to someone that tickles your fancy. You are trying to escape from the problems of your daily life.

Dream about King [a checker that has been moved to the opponent’s first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward] expresses a transitional phase of self exploration. You are surrounded by people who accept you for your mistakes and flaws. You need to protect yourself, be more aggressive and take a firmer stance on things. This dream is an indication for distress that will come in the disguise of happiness. You are doing all the work to make it easier for others later on.

Dream about King [one of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king] is a harbinger for someone or something that has taken over an aspect of your life. You need to start thinking for yourself. You may feel constrained in a relationship or held back at work. This dream is a metaphor for something or some situation that you need to handle with care. You need to ask yourself where you want to be headed.

Dream about King [(chess) the weakest but the most important piece] signals pride and heritage. You are going against your gut instincts. You are trying to escape a situation or issue instead of confronting it. This dream refers to your need for control over others. You need to make a counter on some offer.

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I dreamt that I saw a man with a disability sitting at a dining table with a king and his council, eating with yam with them. They were deliberating about the nation and the army when the king charged the disabled man to lead his army.

The old man hesitated, making excuses about his age and disability. However, the king reminded him that if he could do it when he was able and victorious, then he could also do it in his current state. The council supported the king’s decision.

The man was deep in thought, considering his response, when I woke up


In the dream , I saw there a huge stage, the king sitting next to his crown prince, the king was bleeding in his face and nek, it looks like he is dead or about to be dead.


Saw a king with his aids bought a land for a lower amount than the major value. Clearly they used position of power on the Man. The man was not happy, so advised him when dealing with people who are more powerful than him he should make sure to have a lawyer or an estate urgent who would run sales on his behalf, hence he doesn’t become a victim. I told him he can make more wealth, success and more powerful than the king if he investment his money wisely


Saw everyone aligned with the king decision except me. I stick to myself because I don’t believe in what they’re are doing useful to the community


I am sitting in my home on my deewaan sofa cross legged. A man is also sitting crossed legged infront of me on top of a table, but within the same height level as me. He has a golden Indian God crown on his head, and I can see a tube attached to the middle of the crown, which is placed top of his skull on the crown. There is a red liquid moving up and down inside the tube. He talks about Shambala village, to which I say it doesn’t exist anymore. He says if we live a proper life, we wont grey.

Chika Anene

I forgot to mention that the king smiled and was quite amused by my requests, but he happily obliged to give me anything I asked for.


I dreamed that a king and queen came to kill people who weren’t kings and queens. Before doing so the queen told me that even though you’re draped in gold I’m no king, but my daughter is a queen. Then the queen began to tell everyone that because they wouldn’t achieve 43 million that they had no use for them. People were standing at first, but as the king began to speak. They started to sit without being told to do so. What a weird dream I know, but still curious about the meaning.

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