Dream about Killing Serial Killer is a metaphor for tears and heartaches. You have put up an emotional wall around you. You will overcome your barriers. The dream is a sign for your commitments and convictions when it comes to love loyalty and friendship. You are alone with your ideas.
Kill in your dream is a clue for a hidden threat. There is an issue that you are unwilling to address. Your subconscious is trying to make you aware of a solution to a problem. This dream is about your fears of having your personal feelings and private thoughts discovered or revealed. You may be putting up your defenses.
Serial in your dream is a metaphor for jealousy. Something is out of order in your life. You are making some difficult and important decisions. This dream is a premonition for the steps you need to take toward your goals. You are being used and manipulated by others.
Killer in this dream draws attention to transitions and changes. You are coming into contact with some aspect of your psyche or subconscious. You are completely accepting someone for who they are. The dream draws attention to fears that you are being played. You need to be less meek and more honest in communicating with others.
Dreaming of Kill and Serial and Killer
Dream About Killing A Killer is a message for a protective force over you. Your life is in balance and in harmony. You are expressing some fear in your life. This dream points to the early stage of a new project or new relationship in your life. You feel restricted from what you really want to do.
Dream About Serial Killer is a hint for freedom, tranquility and renewal. You tend to go along with the crowd. You need to make a stand. The dream is a portent for hidden power. You are seeking protection for your emotional well being.
Dream about Killing Serial Killer represents protection and healing. Perhaps the dream is telling you to spend more time with your family. You only care about satisfying your won interests. This dream is a harbinger for your idealistic notions of what a leader should be. You need to clear your conscience.
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I had a dream out having some sort of a mission to kill a serial killer and I began my search for her. When I found her, I ran to the serial killer and pushed her somewhere near the river.
I dreamt I visited an old house in the countryside to learn a skill. The man who lived there was kind. There was a giant old tree in the backyard, ~40-50ft high & half of it was dead. I was learning to cut off the dead parts & I did with grace and accuracy according to the man, who was very encouraging. Then we went inside & my friends called to invite me to the movies. When they arrived, they took the man instead, and I realized he was a serial killer.. and I escaped, they did too.
I had a dream i was in a school, a serial killer was killing people. We hid for a while then i planned and i hunted the killer down. I strangled them with a string around their neck.
I dreamt Iwas in a corner of school with a friend. A guy was peaking thru holes and asked if schools nice. He asked more before he got in. He wanted to kill. I walked outside and tried to find Nomura? cause hes gonna kill her. Her face was on the schools poster so I know her. My friends knew and were trying to keep her away. The guy was a woman now and fought us. She got close and aimed at my heart&head but I pushed it away and put purple goo in her arm. She doesnt remember anything anymore
i dreamt of a serial killer, chasing people around me killing some of them, but sparing me.. i was able to escape the place but i was found by her men and was brought back to her.. they showed me the people she killed which was important people to me.. then killer wants me to kill her
I had a dream I snitched out a murder and the government had to protect me and then we fell into a big hole and went to heaven