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Dream about jumping fence

Dream about Jumping Fence is an evidence for joy, tranquility and contentment in the home. It is time for you to move out of your comfort zone. There is a disconnect between your action and your belief system. Your dream indicates perfection of the self and spiritual truth. You are feeling satisfied and happy about some situation.

Jumping Fence symbolises something vulnerable, pure and innocent. You are feeling emotionally touched by some situation or by someone. Some person or situation is adding chaos to your emotional life. This dream symbolises some young male figure in your life. You are feeling emotionally repressed.

Dreaming of Jump and Fence

Jump in your dream means loss of love and broken companionship. You are spending too much time in front of the computer. You are looking for some sort of emotional support. This dream is a metaphor for money being given or lost. You are looking for release in some area of your life.

Fence in dream is a message for material loss. You are working through a problem or issue that has been troubling you. You are being defensive about something. The dream stands for your ability to adapt to any situation or circumstance. You are unsure of your surroundings and environment.

Dream about both “Jump” and “Fence” signals a fear of being trapped in some situation and not being able to get out of it. You are being too superficial. You need to find the power to rectify and care for the issues in your life. Your dream points to some regret or failure in your endeavors. Outside influences are not letting you focus on your goals and what you really need to do.

Dream about jumping fence is a hint for inexperience. You are in need of a quick and easy boost of energy. You will face many obstacles as you try to figure out your path in life. Your dream is a clue for unhealthy pleasures and unwise decisions in your life. You may have self-esteem issues and often feel overlooked.

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I dreamed I was being chased by a man who wanted my money. As I was running, I had my money in my hand. I came to a very high fence and jumped it. (On the fence was a sign that said beware kangaroos) I ran through the water and tried to jump the next fence and fell in the water and I got back up and jumped the fence successfully. I kept running and ended up jumping into a floating device in a pond. I found a slide and ended up going down it and the scenery changed to a cruise I was on with my family. I kept running into them, but avoided them trying to make it back up to the 8th floor to go back up the slide until my mom finally seen me and stopped me and confronted me about avoiding them. I said it’s because I felt like they were in higher places of their lives spiritually and I wasn’t. I felt out of place, I was still trying to find myself. She said they didn’t care, I replied with then why do they act like it and she replied with because of my bad attitude…..


I found myself on a fence, trying to jump through but struggling to do so. I asked for a push, but the people around me, especially those I knew, didn’t help—except for one lady. She gave me a push, and with all my strength, I managed to climb through.

Later, someone brought in a fake gold ring, and I requested it be returned and replaced with the original one. They brought in the original ring, and I proposed to her with it. The lady who provided the ring wore it on her hand, and I was pleased with the it.


I believe i was in my room and someone broke inside my house and we began to have a shoot out, i shoot him multiple times and i run far, i find my self going back to the house and he was still alive, i shot him again multiple times and he doesnt die so then im running again jumping fences and see him far behind me chasing me, last thing i said before waking up was please dont hurt my kids, hurt me instead


Dreamt we so many in like a school en we were bein chased and I jumped out of the fence carefully wthout bein noticed


I was at my old house where I grew up at and I was in the backyard. All I can remember is I was jumping the fences in the back, I sit on one Fence it was a brick fence and my sister sat across from me we were talking for a little bit I don’t remember what about but we was running from some men in that house but he never came outside only stayed inside the house. I went back in the house and I was in a room with a girl we dried humped then I was back outside on the jumping fences.


I dreamt that I refused to pay for an entrance fee to get through the other side of town so I hopped the fence and stepped onto rotting driftwood filled w flies and struggled the get through until I found a door which was unlocked and was able to escape into tranquility and cleanliness


I helped a strange woman climb a fence. She grabbed my both hands from the other side of the fence closed her eyes and murmured some words (prayers) and I responded by saying amen but I wasnt sure if I should say amen or not because I didn’t hear what she said. Her palms were covered with white powder. Please what does it mean?

Akugbe Albert

a boy and a girl jumping fence but I confronted them not to jump what does it mean in a dream

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