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Dream about injection

Dream about Injection states recognition and a mergence of your spirituality with your conscious being. You are trying to gain some recognition or get someone’s attention. You are being imitated. The dream draws attention to your need to break free from a routine, old idea, or a relationship. You need to be more self-sufficient instead of relying on others.

Injection points at your need for some relaxation. You need to be in control of your destiny. You are being underestimated based on your appearance or size. Your dream is a harbinger for overindulgence. You are repressing what you really desire most.

Dream about Injection [the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure] is a signal for the way you handle things. You need to calm-down especially during difficult times. You need to back off of a fight or situation. This dream is a clue for your limitations. You are shielding yourself from outside influences.

Dream about Injection [any solution that is injected (as into the skin)] refers to your lack of power and freedom. You need to be careful with what you say. Some aspects of your personality are in conflict. This dream is about drastic changes that you are trying to make. You feel that you are being judged and criticized for the path you want to take.

Dream about Injection [the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe] is an easy and safe way to express your anger. You have many resources within your reach. You are feeling unsure of yourself. The dream denotes your desire to travel back in time to an ancient civilization. You need to take things a little slower.

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Esther Abraham.

I had a dream of being injected in the heel of my foot. I willingly gave the man to inject. I also dreamt about taipan snakes and two more poisonous reptiles one on the wall of my bed and another on the bed and one on the wrapper I use has a blanket or duvet. I called my mum in the dream to look at it while I was holding a flashlight and poked one reptile with a little stick but it fell on my wrapper I shook it but they all disappeared. I laid back on the wrapper and said I will deal with it later.one snake was blue another python colour, the other I don’t remember.

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