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Dream about healthy

Dream about Healthy is a sign for hopelessness, grief, self-pity and unforgiveness. There are some flaws in your thinking or thought process. You need to be more independent. The dream is a sign for some changes are necessary for you to adapt to a new situation. You feel your anger or acts of aggression are validated.

Healthy represents mental agility. You need to put closure on some situation. It is an end to some behavior or habit. This dream is a sign for someone who is untrustworthy or slick. Perhaps you need to get to know a person on a deeper level.

Dream about Healthy [having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease] hints your subconscious and how through deeper understanding of yourself, you find commonality and shared experiences with others. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and defensiveness. You are trying to protect yourself from emotional harm. The dream is your desire to get away from certain restrictions or rules. Perhaps you need to address some pent up aggression or you need to show more sensitivity.

Dream about Healthy [financially secure and functioning well] is sometimes an ending of some carnal behavior. Obstacles toward your goals are inevitable. You need to alter your reasoning and make a stronger argument. This dream hints feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. Nobody wants to handle an issue.

Dream about Healthy [promoting health; healthful; ; ; ; ; – C.B.Davis] is a symbol for your disconnection from reality. You need to be invigorated and revitalized. It is time to think things through and replenish your energy. Your dream is your delusions of grandeur. You are trying to reconnect your heart and mind.

Dream about Healthy [exercising or showing good judgment] is a signal for fertility or immortality. Perhaps you are not proud of something you have done. You need to be more cautious. This dream is a portent for complete helplessness in a situation. You need to start dealing with your emotions.

Dream about Goodly [large in amount or extent or degree] is an indication for your fears of being abandoned. You are accepting and welcoming your stronger assertive personality. You are keeping your emotions in check or that you are not fully expressing them. Your dream refers to the nurturing aspect of your own character. You need to acknowledge and confront the issue in order to complete your transformation and achieve wholeness.

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