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Dream about groundnut

The dream about groundnut represents nourishment and the fulfillment of your needs, dear dreamer. In this dream, the groundnuts symbolize the sustenance and support that you require in your life. Just as groundnuts provide essential nutrients for the body, this dream signifies that you are in a phase where you are seeking emotional and spiritual nourishment. Your feeling of intrigue is perfectly justified, as this dream indicates that you have a deep longing to feel nurtured and cared for. Trust your instincts and explore opportunities that will bring stability and fulfillment into your life. Remember, it is essential to surround yourself with people who provide you with the love and support you truly deserve.

Dream about Groundnut is sometimes your fear of change and your ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. You are trying to shield yourself from some higher spirit or force. You think you are above others and have a tendency to look down on people. Your dream expresses the cruel and cynical side of your own character. You are thinking about some long term commitment and marriage.

Groundnut represents your admiration for a person. You are going through a transitional phase and journeying into the unknown. You are looking for an emotional uplift or need some time to heal. Your dream is a clue for feelings of being oppressed by others or by situations in your life. You need to take a more relaxed approach to some situation.

Dream about Groundnut [a North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers; important food crop of Native Americans] is an indication for someone that you call or refer to as doll. Perhaps you need to exhibit some qualities in your work or relationship. You need to approaching things head-on. Your dream indicates the depths of your subconscious. Perhaps you feel a loss of love.

Dream about Groundnut [nutlike tuber; important food of Native Americans] is a metaphor for some emotional or physical pain. You need to prepare yourself for an important transition in your life. A person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and your resources. This dream is a hint for complete control over your emotions. You have lost sight of your goals.

Dream about Peanut [pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut’ and `monkey nut’ are British terms] stands for the brain and your mental capabilities. You are being deceived or manipulated. You need to develop certain qualities. Your dream is a signal for a small lapse in judgment. You feel that you are left in the dark about some information.

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I had a dream where I was selling cooked groundnuts and the last person that came to buy the remaining one is a guy, I sold the last three cups for him but he wanted four to five cups. But later on, I saw some of my hard copy pictures with him and I told him that they’re my pictures that I’m not selling those ones and I collected it from him n he gave me my money, aside from my pictures, he also had other posters of ordained Reverend Fathers or priests.. Pls held me, I don’t know what it means. This is not the first time I’m seeing my pictures in the dream…