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Dream about friend

Dream about Friend signifies uncertainty in wealth. You are trying to weigh some life decision. You are feeling jarred or shaken-up by something or someone. The dream points at your subordinate role. You need focus.

Friend hints temptation and guilt. You need to let go of certain things and stop letting it bug you. You need to pay more attention to your intuition or gut feeling. Your dream points to someone in your life who is sly and sneaky. You are isolating yourself from others.

Dream about Friend [a person you know well and regard with affection and trust] expresses an unsatisfactory or unfulfilling relationship in your life. You are neglecting the performer within yourself. You need to pay more attention to the needs of your body. Your dream is secret desires. You need to be more calm.

Dream about Ally [an associate who provides cooperation or assistance] points to opportunities or problems. You need to be more flexible in your thinking or decision making. Your belief and your way of thinking is restricting your own growth. This dream hints regret of what you have done in your life. You need to recognize the dangers or negatives of some situation.

Dream about Acquaintance [a person with whom you are acquainted] is a clue for a choice that you need to make which may affect others. You are uncharacteristically mean to someone. You may need to clean up your image or readjust your attitude. This dream is a clue for a desire to cry out about something. There is an old lesson that you need to learn and apply to a current situation.

Dream about Supporter [a person who backs a politician or a team etc.] is a metaphor for routine and monotony. You are going around in circles over a problem or situation. You are feeling inadequate. Your dream is abundance and hospitality. You are trying to escape from the demands of real life.

Dream about Friend [a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)] is a harbinger for the carefree aspects of childhood where you did not have to worry about goals. You are suppressing your feelings or thoughts. You are making a rash decision. Your dream stands for sharing and getting your fair share. You need to change your approach toward your goal.

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“I dreamt that a colleague tried to bully me in front of our peers because he had a senior rank. However, I stood my ground, and I had a friend and my girlfriend supporting me.

When he realized he couldn’t successfully bully me, he sent the police after me. As soon as I saw them, I ran to safety, took off my clothes, and was planning to change into a new outfit when I woke up


I dreamt that my friend was in my house, taking water from a big bucket, but the water was dirty. I told him to let the water settle first so he could take the clean water gently


“I dreamt that my friend gave me remote access to his phone and financial app so I could use them on my own phone. While exploring, I came across his football club app, which was designed as a trophy cup. The club’s nickname was ‘Never Walk Alone.’

I was trying to access the financial app but couldn’t locate it before I woke up.


Saw i was In the company of unknown friends while unknown attackers ambushed us. We defended ourselves! The more we bring them down, the more the rise to attack us. We keep bringing them down and advancing moving forward


Saw I told a friend about a problem and he promised to help but changed his mind at a die minutes


I saw I was with a friend in an unhygienic place, and he was sharing his plans to start a new life where family and friends wouldn’t be able to reach him. He’s literally taking a fresh start. I told him I wished the same, but it would be hard for me to make such a decision because I love my younger brother, and we have a strong bond. Going ghost on him would hurt him since we’ve been through so much together.


I saw a friend was moving towards me in a mysterious way and I was Jesus. The more I shout Jesus the more he moves back


I saw a friend who is a name sake with another person. He was putting on a white T shirt and a black short denim jean with a black converse shoe. He was well dressed with the person besides him. they were both in an elevator taking pictures. I was curious to know why they were so well dressed and I found out they were modeling for a clothing store


I saw I was waiting for an enstranged friend to settle the differences with us. I gave a him a location but I don’t have money to host us so I thought of borrowing money from a friend. As I was contemplating I walked into him and he gave me a warm recipient. He told me he was going to the eatery to get food him and I are going to eat. I was more convinced I have to find a way to do my own part. A thought of borrowing money from him crossed my mind but I find that embarrassing so I waved that off my mind


I saw a friend gave me an update but it was something I already know but I learned from him regardless and was willing to work with him. Someone tried to fight me unprovoked while I was with my friend, I made sure I beat and put the person in his place


Saw an enstranged friend was working in a dirty place with his dad and he called me to join them like he was entitled. At first I don’t want to but I realized this not my place and I have place I’m going, this job would boast my profile. So I clearly let him know my thoughts on the get go. Did what I needed do and focused on my goals


I saw a close friend recorded me without my consent and uploaded it on the internet to tarnish my image. He then turn around and said he’s not aware of the implications that can cost me


Saw 2 friends were having issues. One created a good luck soap and the other got angry because he didn’t tell him about it. The angry friend unscrew the laptop of the other and took off the CMOS battery he borrowed him and other things behind his back. I was In the middle and didn’t want to come out like been one sided. The friend with the soap already apologized to the angry one, stating he didn’t know the soap was going to work. The angry one was not buying his story


in a dream I write my x boyfriends name what is the meaning of this dream


Saw my friend withdraw money at a POS outlet and he doesn’t want me to know the exact amount so he told the agent to give him 4 percent of the money he withdraw and he did. I saw powdered milk at the shop and I bought one. The shop I bought the powered milk from use to be full before, I noticed it wasn’t and immediately I understand it’s the economy biting hard on the owner. The owner complained to me he’s not happy and I assured him things would get better


I saw a friend who I once accommodate for months was doing well. He was scrolling through his tablet and what he was doing was showing on the TV screen. I was watching it and I love it. I prayed God bless me and even better than he does for him. Immediately he noticed I was watching, he laughed and stopped so I wouldn’t think his financial stable to ask him for help. I get the memo and I never asked for help, instead I hope God answers my prayer

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