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Dream about food stuck in teeth

Dream about Food Stuck In Teeth is a hint for your artistic talents. You need to improve your communications skills. Sometimes you still have to do something even though is it not what you want to do. This dream symbolises monotony in your life. You are experiencing increased worth and a higher sense of zest and vigor.

Food in your dream is about difficulties in achieving your goals and choosing your path in life. You are putting an issue or situation to rest. You need to try a new interest or pick up a hobby. The dream means movement or non-movement. You need to show more humility and be more even-tempered.

Stick dream states a time where you had less responsibilities and less worries. You are in control of your emotions and are confronting any feelings and inhibitions you have been repressing. You need to be careful in how you phrase and word things or run the risk of offending others. This dream is a premonition for the things you have learned from your past experiences. You need to listen to what others have to say; don’t be so quick to reject their views and opinions.

Teeth in this dream is a symbol for your nurturing abilities. You are looking for a time extension on something. You feel that you are being judged in some way and need to defend yourself. This dream denotes qualities within yourself that are unchangeable. You need to make some major changes in your life.

Dreaming of Food and Stick and Teeth

Dream About Food In Teeth is the extremes of two things. You need to be more compassionate and understanding in some situation or relationship. You are always willing to help others. Your dream represents harmony and cooperation. You are feeling positive in some new relationship.

Dream about Food Stuck In Teeth is a symbol for your need for self-discovery and self-awareness. You are feeling controlled and manipulated by others. You need to concentrate on the more important things in life. Your dream points to you sensuality and emotions. Something is still keeping you two in each other’s lives.

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