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Dream about fire burning school

Dream about Fire Burning School is an evidence for a need for spiritual healing. Your relationship with him/her made you feel whole and complete. A new light has been shed onto a situation. The dream is a signal for your life force, energy and vigor. You will eventually gain your deserved dignity and its outcomes.

Fire in your dream indicates greed or uncleanness. You may be in the middle of some situation that you cannot get out of. Perhaps you did something that you were not proud of or something that is coming back to haunt you. Your dream is a clue for your struggle with issues of fear and guilt. There is something in your life that is no longer needed.

Burning dream means fears of abandonment. You need to take advantage of an opportunity before it is gone forever. You have taken a tumble or a misstep. Your dream denotes feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. You are doing all the work to make it easier for others later on.

School in this dream is an evidence for your outlook. You are trying to make light of how you really feel. You are holding on to the past. The dream draws attention to how you are harping-on someone and getting on their case about something. You need to be more open and receptive to others’ opinions and ideas.

Dreaming of Fire and Burning and School

Dream About Fire Burning signifies your enduring efforts and perseverance. You are proud of your accomplishments and achievements. You are feeling overworked and need to take time out for yourself for some fun and relaxation. Your dream is about your power and control over your emotions. You are being modest.

Dream About Fire In School is about your need for more space in a relationship or situation. You need to give yourself space. You are confronting and exploring aspects of your subconscious in full force. This dream is a harbinger for the balance of good and evil. You are on a higher level that you peers.

Dream About Burning School suggests hard work and dedication. You feel free to express yourself in a situation. You have a high sense of self worth. The dream is a signal for the sacrifices you are making in that situation or relationship. Some project that you are working on requires cohesive action.

Dream about Fire Burning School signifies cosmic energy and emerging consciousness. You are feeling powerless in some situation. You are feeling peace of mind. This dream is a metaphor for your expanded awareness and a deep-level personality development. Perhaps, there is something that you need to remember.

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Brooke \ Edith

Continued) Then we finally went home, but I couldn’t find my bus and it was hard to. That’s all I can remember . Recently I’ve been worried about a relationship and if I should leave the person or not, and if I still love them. I worry about a bunch of things from my past and feel horrible about the things I did. I just had this dream last night. What does this mean??

Brooke \ Edith

In my dream, I was in school then a fire started in one of the rooms. We all rushed to evacuate and my school looked different. I went to the front of the school, a guy was seen and he said “I started the fire” and was rushing to try to put it out. We were in the school at the computer area for a while, and then finally evacuated and I saw the fire from outside, the window looked unfamiliar. It was only in that window. The psychologists went into the sixth grade hall and talked, which was odd


In my dream I walked into class and there was no teacher, afterword me and all my classmates started messing around while all this was happening I heard everyone around me panicking and said the school was on fire I looked at the fire and shrugged it off


Hello. I dreamt of a school burning. At firt it looks like my old home, we have since renovated however I necer dream of the renovated version my family too. The House was torched and later on turned out to look like my Primary school. I ran around the school yard, I could see all my teachers, and friends from back then. I cried, so hard but my chest felt blocked I could sound my cry. I was crying for my family photos and things I felt were important, laptop and phone too. Please help!


In my dream, I was back in my high school, taking a walk outside with my bestie from high school then we see a tree burning which spread to our school. We run inside and she grabs her bag from her locker and we run outside, there wasn’t time for me to grab my stuff. And moment later, the school was all burnt down and looked like a ruin.


In my dream the school was flooded with water so I was running to get to home but from the ground floor to the exit gate of school everything was on fire but I didn’t stop running and I made it outside


I had a dream when a fire suddenly burned the school but everyone and every animal survived. Before it fully burned or the firefighters go on we were singing the school hymn the very last time before it was burned. What does it mean?


I dreamed that I was in a school and I was helping a lot of people get out and then after this guy gave me chewing tobacco


i had a dream where i was sitting in class with a teacher i don’t know and before the fire alarm even really went off i heard it before everyone else and then we all got out of the school and in the dream i didn’t see any fire it was mainly just smoke also i was outside helping 2 people to get another person out of the building i was holding the door for them and then my class disappeared and i went to look for anyone i knew and i woke up


i had a dream i escaped a fire about to burn my school