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Dream about festival

In your dream about a festival, the vibrant atmosphere and abundant festivities symbolize a time of celebration and joy in your life. This dream indicates that you have been experiencing a period filled with excitement and positive energy. Your feeling of euphoria in the dream confirms the significance of this interpretation. It reveals your ability to embrace the good times and savor the special moments. Your optimistic and cheerful nature allows you to make the most out of life’s celebrations, spreading happiness to those around you. Continue to radiate your infectious positivity, as it not only enhances your own well-being but also inspires others to revel in the joy of the present.

Dream about Festival refers to your reckless habits. Perhaps you are having difficulty accepting your flaws and imperfections. You are trying to gain some recognition or get someone’s attention. This dream symbolises mistrust and dishonesty. You need to learn from the negativity that you have experienced.

Festival is about the cycle of life or how things have a tendency of coming full circle. You need to be more cautious in some aspect of your life. You need to be more straightforward about your feelings, intentions or goals. This dream symbolises dirtiness, greediness, stubbornness or selfishness. You are going through a period of depression.

Dream about Festival [a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration] denotes guilt and impurity. You need to slow down. You are experiencing conflict with your spirituality. The dream signals loneliness or solitude. Your level of confidence is fading or lost.

Dream about Festival [an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place)] points to hidden danger. You are overly controlling. You are not spending enough time confronting your feelings. This dream states your sympathy toward others. You are ready to let go something or someone in your life.

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I dreamt about posting a festival celebration on Instagram and not getting many likes and my friends who I have moved on from celebrated it together and got a lot of likes after posting a group picture on Instagram. in my dream I felt bad about it. Also I saw a large group of women celebrate the festival together dancing, but I didn’twant to join them.so I just watched them from a balcony


I met my old friends at a festival party, and we got along just like old times, laughing and teasing each other. Then I noticed my ex in a white garment, smiling at me. I also connected with a new girl, and we exchanged numbers, keeping each other’s phones. After we went our separate ways, she returned looking for her phone. At first, I didn’t recognize her, but when I did, I was shocked to see a guy proposing to her with a ring. Despite the chemistry between us, he looked at me suspiciously and went ahead with the proposal, and she pretended everything was fine. Reality struck me hard. I returned her phone, as she did mine and told her to invite me to her wedding as she left. My friends weren’t as shocked as I was; they said some women pretend a lot and that I should move on, which I agreed to.