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Dream about family

The dream about family signifies a deep sense of belonging, dear dreamer. It is a reflection of the strong bond you share with your loved ones, where acceptance and support flourish. In this dream, you felt a comforting presence surrounding you, symbolizing the unwavering love and connection you have with your family. Your concern, my dear dreamer, stems from a genuine desire to maintain and cherish these precious relationships. Continue to nurture these bonds, for they are the foundation of a harmonious and fulfilling life. Remember to express your gratitude and love to your family members, as they value your presence just as much as you value theirs.

Dream about Family is an indication for repressed emotions or feelings that needs to be released. You need to deviate from the norm. You need to approach your goals from a different angle. The dream means how you want others to see you. You need for more calmness in your life.

Family is a clue for indecision; you cannot make up your mind about something. You are experiencing some instability and setback in your life. You are growing tiresome or weary of a situation. The dream is an indication for maternal instincts or the desire to be cared for. You need to be more forgiving in some situation.

Dream about Family [a social unit living together] is a symbol for of a transitional stage occurring in your life. You are digging deep into your own past and facing your fears. You need to pay attention to or focus on some goal or urgent matter. This dream signals your behavior, manipulation of and relationships with others. Perhaps you are being too conventional, unhip or dull.

Dream about Family [primary social group; parents and children] hints your father or father figure. You are being insulted or disrespected. You are reaching for the stars. The dream is a sign for issues and concerns with money and security. You are assessing your needs and resources.

Dream about Class [a collection of things sharing a common attribute] is a sign for feelings that you have been wronged or treated unfairly. You feel that you are being shunned or shut out of opportunities that are available to others. You are spending too much time hiding in the shadows of someone else. Your dream is a harbinger for something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. You may be feeling left out.

Dream about Family [people descended from a common ancestor] is a symbol for gloominess, despair and hopelessness. You need to be more bold and direct with your feelings or opinions even though it may not seem to be an appropriate time. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship. This dream represents an unmet need. You need to try to resolve some issues so they can finally be put to rest.

Dream about Kin [a person having kinship with another or others] signifies your determination and drive to push forward in any circumstance. You believe that you can do a better job if you were in charge of things. You want to take action but are afraid to speak out. This dream refers to your fears of letting go. You need to give yourself a break.

Dream about Family [(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera] is a sign for guidance, direction and unification. There is some situation or relationship that you need to examine closer. You need to distance yourself from a harmful situation. Your dream points to abundance, prosperity, humility, longevity and gratitude. You are immune to some disease or virus.

Dream about Syndicate [a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities] hints your intuition. You need to expand your Self. You need to preserve your energy. The dream is a clue for your quest for objectivity over subjectivity. You are afraid of being left out or left behind.

Dream about Family [an association of people who share common beliefs or activities] draws attention to a need for you to change your routine. You are looking for a new way to express yourself and expand your thinking. You need to show more control on your thoughts. This dream is an evidence for your forgiving or yielding support system. You are making the same mistakes and reacting the same way.

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I was in a room that looked a lot like our house. My mom was there and my brother also. I had made cake and they tried it. Mom was sleeping and I had to put oil bath (it’s a practice where I come from). Brother was rich as well in that dream and he did something weird but didn’t matter. I just woke up.


Dreamt about very happy family that I know a little and the women was telling how amazing her husband was and the best dad. Then I saw myself holding my ex like a baby in my arms up on a table and he asked me why does I never hold you.


I had a dream my uncle had a family intervention saying he was going to change as he claims to be ill but isn’t. Everyone was crying because they were proud. I had a second dream of this kind last night but more of the family being together and having a good time which hasn’t happened for years. Today I woke up and my mum told me my uncle has had a huge argument with my grandma and it needs to be sorted. What does this mean – my dream somewhat came true but not in a good way.


I went to my mother in law’s sister’s place and talked to her and her two daughters about the ongoing issues with my husband and his family. I elaborately told them every single detail. They were shocked and i asked them to support me to which they agreed.


I’m riding a bike and have a bridge I need to ride over. Before starting the climb over the bridge I see some family members helping a lady out that can’t breathe, I pass something to one of my family as I ride past and start my journey up the bridge.
As I ride up the bridge,it starts to become steep and struggle to make it over.
On the way up I’ve made my way off the road and on to the foot path.The foot path is narrow and there is a lady on a bike also riding down, I pass and make it over


I wasIn the dream I finally came back home with just my phone and the clothes I’m wearing at the moment saw my mum bowed to her she hit my back With her elbow. As I was about entering the room my brother frowned at me. Some family members were inside some was angry I didn’t greet them first. Sat down my brother broke the news about how my cousin sister was given a longer duration to stay in the United States 75years. And so I told him to find out what it would cost to travel outside the country.


I recognize someone that was living where we once lived but now he is changed with alot of development, he has a family and his mother looks very younger than her age. I was narrating to a group of people and they were happy with the things I was saying and the way I was saying it. So I also told myself I will be taking task little by little till I’ll am able to take up bigger tasks. I also saw Myself reconnecting light using a mobile fone it happened because I knew the person who had the secret