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Dream about family member trying to kill me

Dream about Family Member Trying To Kill Me means fear of what is ahead for you. You are at ease. You are disputing the rules. The dream is a hint for confidence, beauty, talent and freedom of expression. There is something in your life where you are in need of more.

Dream about Family Member Trying To Kill Me is practicality. You are loving life. You may be feeling beautiful. Your dream signifies your solid stance on an argument. Whatever you are feeling is still very fresh or raw.

Dreaming of Family & Member & Try & Kill

Family in your dream points to your desire to escape from a current situation. You are not owning up to something you have said. You may feel that time is running out in a business or personal matter. This dream is about some anger issues. You are harboring some inner guilt that you are harboring.

Member dream is a symbol for your determination and drive to push forward in any circumstance. You are looking for a place to relax. You are being followed by a person that you don’t know. Your dream is an omen for feelings of emptiness. You may be closing yourself off from new experiences or shutting yourself out.

Kill in dream is about some anxiety over an issue. Perhaps you are trying too hard to impress others. You need to set your goals higher. Your dream represents your impulsive behavior. There is something that you do not want revealed to others.

Dream About Family Member symbolises a relationship in which you should let go and move on. You are looking for a change or for something new. You have a handle on a situation or on life. The dream suggests your openness and genuineness. You need to flexible in your thinking.

Dream About Trying To Kill is an omen for innocence, frailty and vulnerability. You are learning to express your feelings. You are open to confronting your own feelings and letting your emotions come to the surface. The dream means some temptation in your life. You want to make your presence known and stand out from the crowd.

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i had a dream where my mom was trying to kill me several times and my dad just watched me. When i told him to call somebody (like 911) he refused and brushed me off, He instead called someone else but i don’t even think they answered.

Yahaira Arredondo

I had a dream that my dad went with another women other than my mom and my step-mom and during that, me and my older sister tried searching for my mom in the hospital because we were in a hospital during all that but instead we found the exit of the hospital instead, then my dad tried to kill me and my sister slowly to our death also the lady and my step mom knew it was happening and didn’t help us while we were being cut

Jose Mari

The wife of my uncle (basically my aunt) we got a huge argument in my dream and the next day I was murdered while asleep.


I dreamt that my son was trying to kill me. He beat me and I was only rescued because I managed to escape and run to a police station. My dream took place in the City I was raised.


I dreamed about my mom and some of my aunt’s put something in a cup and they were trying to give it to me to kill me I started to find anything to hit every last family member that was there I was keep hitting them and they was shocked with my actions but all they did was chuckle and it was like a mad chuckle but they didn’t do anything to me they just let me hit them


My sister was trying to kill me inside our house. My mom saw what was happening but she refused to help me.


Black mist turn into humanoid shape came to the window in my dream.. then trying to push me down.. ifeel heavy then when i try to fight it it turns it self as one of my family member, with red eyes wearing black and push me down

Nicola Jenkins

I dreamed a exs partners brother tryed to kill me