Dream about Dvd means the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition. You need to take a risk and be more daring in some situation. Perhaps you need to guide someone in the right direction. Your dream is an omen for your desire to rebuild a connection or relationship with a person. A threat has passed.
Dvd is a harbinger for something that you need to access quickly and easily. You need to show more restraint in some aspect of your life. You are being belittled by others. The dream states your conscious identity or is representative of your state of health. You have everything under control.
Dream about Videodisk [a digital recording (as of a movie) on an optical disk that can be played on a computer or a television set] is an omen for agility, cunningness and speed. You may be acting with your heart instead of thinking things out more clearly. You are having difficulties connecting to others. The dream is an indication for your outgoing nature and welcoming attitude. You need to incorporate the qualities of a good person into your Self.
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Saw I fixed a DVD player and I have a new movie playing inside. I coupled it and asked my brother to plug it to the TV
I was in the company of friend when I saw new DVD ROM player. I took it and asked for the owner to give me because I have a desktop computer at home. I told the person it would be of good use to me. He gave me and I was happy about it. We further discussed about some politicians which I acknowledge I’m familiar with.