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Dream about drinking potion

Dream about Drinking Potion symbolises creativity, flexibility and the ability to shape your mind or mold yourself to fit into a situation. You are making a bold and daring statement. You may be undergoing a period of introspection and thinking. The dream refers to power, strength and masculinity. The good times are about to come to an abrupt end.

Drinking Potion stands for a physical boundary and how close you let others get to you. You are emotionally frigid. You are becoming overwhelmed by your emotions. This dream states something that is catchy or contagious. You are cautious about what you share with others.

Dreaming of Drinking and Potion

Drinking in your dream is a signal for your feelings, mood and circumstances that you are currently experiencing. You or someone is being given special treatment. Perhaps you are in a rut. Your dream is an evidence for your defiant and non-conformist attitude. Someone is talking about you.

Potion in dream symbolises protection from illnesses. You are trying to connect to the elegance of the past. You feel that you are literally being ripped apart. The dream is a harbinger for something that you are trying to manipulate. You are facing a confrontational situation.

Dream about both “Drinking” and “Potion” refers to your hastiness and disappointed efforts. You need to eliminate your immature behavior or attitude. You are acknowledging and expressing aspects of yourself that you were previously uncomfortable about. This dream symbolises something you have forgotten to do. Your anger or aggression is out of control.

Dream about drinking potion is a hint for some supercharged emotion that you need to address in your life. You are moving through life in a confident manner. You are refusing to acknowledge some characteristics may be affecting your performance and creative flow. Your dream indicates a sense of freedom and lack of responsibilities and duties. You are having to put some aspect of your life on hold.

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