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Dream about drinking ice cold water

Dream about Drinking Ice Cold Water hints guts and strength. You are celebrating who you are and coming to terms with who you are as a person. You may also be seeking some form of acceptance. Your dream is a premonition for beauty, humility, wealth and wisdom. You will experience success in a new project.

Dream about Drinking Ice Cold Water is about your willingness to help others and lend a hand. There is something you need to pay close attention to. You are opening up your emotions to others. The dream is an omen for something that you are trying to process or digest. Something that may look risky or challenging at first can be tackled if you break it down.

Dreaming of Drinking & Ice & Cold & Water

Drinking in your dream is an evidence for the difficulties your are facing in your life. You do not know what direction to go or where you are headed. You need to be better organized. This dream is a symbol for situations where you have been less than honorable and may have acted in a devious manner. You are being belittled by others.

Ice dream points to your need to calm down after a highly charged emotional situation or state. You need to pay close attention to your personal habits. You have been betrayed. This dream is a hint for your hopes, desires and secrets. You need to draw-out or recognize some aspect of yourself.

Cold in this dream signals old memories that you need to let go of. You feel that you are a target of criticism. You tend to run toward one idea after another. This dream points to social conformity and mass action. You need to be more diplomatic in a situation.

Water in dream stands for you may be looking for some form of approval. You may be forced to confront issues which you have been avoiding. You are going through a period of uncertain changes. This dream symbolises your ongoing projects. You need to be more decisive.

Dream About Cold Water points at your hidden talents and undeveloped abilities. You have a positive outlook in life. You are looking for balance in your life. Your dream is sometimes something or some aspect of your character that is somewhat familiar. You need to be more disciplined in certain aspects of your life.

Dream About Ice Cold Water is about the sacrifices you are making for a person. You have a careful understanding of the smaller and minor details in your life. You have more than you can handle. This dream represents calmness and dignity. You will experience many difficulties in moving ahead.

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