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Dream about dog

Dream about Dog is your desire to escape from the pain of reality instead of confronting them. You feel inadequate. Your actions are being misunderstood and misconstrued. The dream points to emotional tension or your need for emotional release. You are on the wrong life path and need to alter your course.

Dog represents some emotional issue that must be confronted. You need to look at a situation much more closely. No matter how hard you try to deny it, you feel your mother’s influence. Your dream is a signal for your need for more leisure time or your desires to escape. Perhaps you are looking for shelter or protection in your life.

Dream about Dog [a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds] points to your struggles against adversity. You feel trapped. You need to be more direct about your feelings. This dream hints feelings of self-guilt. You fear that you may not be up for the challenge or that you cannot meet the expectations of others.

Dream about Frump [a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman] is a symbol for your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt. You are ready to rid yourself of all that extra baggage that is holding you back. You may be having difficulties with how to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. This dream is sometimes a problem or concern that has been lingering over you. You are feeling guilty or ashamed for your actions.

Dream about Dog [informal term for a man] symbolises your responsibilities. You are spending too much energy pleasing others. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. This dream signals the consequences of your words and what you say about others. You are acknowledging your negative emotions.

Dream about Cad [someone who is morally reprehensible] hints you feelings and concerns you have about someone. You need to learn to rely on others instead of doing everything yourself. You are trying to protect those around you from your personal setbacks and emotional outbursts. The dream is emptiness or illness. You are being stubborn about a situation.

Dream about Frank [a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll] signifies the lessons that have learned or are learning. You need to calm down. You need to be more direct about a problem or situation that you are trying to deal with. The dream is a signal for abundance or fertility. You need to confront the issue and stop relying on outside help.

Dream about Pawl [a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward] is a hint for your desires to be noticed. It is time to pull yourself back up and get back into the swing of things. You need to express your feelings in a more direct manner. The dream is a signal for your agreement and acceptance for a particular condition or situation. You have been betrayed.

Dream about Andiron [metal supports for logs in a fireplace] signifies your hidden emotions waiting to be expressed. You need to be more aware of the risks involved in leaving your destiny to fate. You may be changing your ways and trying to reevaluate your relationships/attitudes. The dream is a harbinger for your thirst for knowledge or information. You are unfairly framing someone else for an issue.

Dream about Chase [go after with the intent to catch] suggests nervousness or fear. You are surrounded by people who accept you for your mistakes and flaws. You do not have confidence in your own abilities. Your dream draws attention to your desire to control everything around you. Perhaps you need to restore some aspect of yourself.

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I dreamt that I saw two dogs, one white and one black. At first, they were friendly, and I started feeling comfortable around them.

However, after a while, they began to bite me slowly. Their bites were painful, but they didn’t draw blood from my body.

The owner eventually spoke to them for a while and then removed their mouths from my hand


I saw some guys shooting a music video and hailing each other. They felt unstoppable after eliminating one of their colleagues. I wasn’t happy about it but chose to mind my own business since I had no evidence against them, although logically everyone knew what they had done. One of the guys was supposed to shoot with a Rottweiler dog. During the shoot, the dog went wild and aggressively bit him. He struggled, and while I initially left him, others, including a police officer, tried to help. Suddenly, I saw my mother running over to hit the dog, trying to make it let go of the boy. Compelled to protect my mom, I returned, but the dog lashed out at her. I defended her by hitting the dog back. I found myself questioning why my mom would associate with such evil people. And then I woke up


I was in the dream i was going for offering so we saw a dog on the way and the dog was excreting alot.


Saw my friend bought 2 dogs and he asked me to go into dog business which I refused after doing my calculations and finding out the ROI is not worth it. He then began train the dog to be friendly and respectful. Also the dog began to eat with us on the same plate which I’m not Cool with. I further saw he separated the dog from eating with us and then the food satined my white clothes and all of my mouth


Dreamt I was with my friend and she was borrowing me a red lipstick. I had the cap of the lipstick in my mouth and the lipstick crushed a little bit and I told her I would buy her a new one then I see a small dog and is like I have given the dog a green lettuce or left it on the table and he found it so I start taking it from his mouth and a guy is standing in the kitchen and I give him the lettuce so he could throw it away then I see my uncle that is dead and he give me this look not a bad one.


I was going for walk with my mom and sister some abandoned and destroyed house i saw dogs and i decide to leave that place but one of them started and run after me , I was scared I run a way i couldn’t shake it off, at the middle of the way i saw someone with two sick nightingales Maybe sparrow their owner couldn’t keep them so i took them and one of the nightingale was trying to take care of it’s egg, until i reach home no one help me but the dog was a lot calmer and stayed in our house

Alex Avolos

Saw I was walking with a dog on chain. The dog was reluctant in following me. The chain most times tried to leave the dogs neck when I drag him too much. Someone is also trying to take the dog away from me which I’m curious about. Got to a point where I needed to climb to the other side with the dog. I climbed to the other side but it was difficult dragging the dog along as the chain is about to leave the neck when I woke

Alex Avolos

Saw I owned a dog and it was on chain close to me at all time. The dog lose the chain and left me and I was crying the only person close to me had left. Someone came to Console me telling me if they where loyal to me they wouldn’t leave. Prompting to let go

Alex Avolos

Went to pay visit to a friend for Xmas and I saw other friends while we are been giving food and a white parlour dog became agreesive and was biting everyone including me in the hand. There was blood, just like a friendly bite. Everyone was avoiding the dog


I dreamt that i was in a shop and standing at door , because i about to leave suddenly i saw a big white dog coming inside with slow walking. I asked old tailore master to give me stick but he did nothing i was scared. Dog come inside and sit comfortably on the floor and than a young man sit on dog and both calmly looked towards me


I dreamt that I was being chased by dogs while hawking, the dogs were released by the house I tried selling my clothes to. I managed to defeat the dog by looking a stick and chase it away, however I am not successful at the 2nd house because the dogs holds of the item I’m selling and tears them apart. Dreamer is a man

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