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Dream about dishing food

Dream about Dishing Food expresses a woman figure in your life. You are expressing a desire to go back in time and act in a different manner. You are being prevented to do something. Your dream is a hint for success in love. You are sidetracked from your goals due to your domestic duties and communal responsibilities.

Dishing Food is a harbinger for growth, knowledge, high productivity, tolerance and maturity. You have an elevated sense of self. You are feeling exposed. This dream is a clue for a life-changing decision. You are feeling let down.

Dreaming of Dish and Food

Dish in your dream is a signal for your self-confidence, pride and conceit. You are trying to mask or cover up something. You need to start taking things more seriously. The dream signifies acceptance of some new change, even though you may not agree with it. It is time to make some dramatic changes.

Food in dream is about repressed or pent up emotions that needs to be released and expressed. You may be in the middle of some situation that you cannot get out of. You are dodging or avoiding a situation or question. Your dream is an omen for a slippery or elusive situation. You may be going about things the hard way.

Dream about both “Dish” and “Food” is an evidence for some disagreement that is not being properly addressed or resolved. Somebody is trying to offer you some professional advice on how to close a deal. You are forcing your views and beliefs on others. Your dream is a symbol for a situation where you feel outnumbered or a situation that is playing on your fears. Your forward progress is being controlled by someone or by some outside forces.

Dream about dishing food is a hint for a high level of awareness. You are seeking some advice on what you should do next. You need to draw on your inner strength. The dream is an omen for reassurance and a way to tell yourself that “I can” do something. You have a sense of entitlement.

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I was dream of dishing food in my work place, it was like a 7 colour plate

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