Home » Cry » Dream about crying someone died

Dream about crying someone died

Dream about Crying Someone Died is a clue for success, wisdom and divine power. You are in tune with your surroundings and environment. You are separating your mind from your body. This dream is a portent for a sweet reward. You are the object of much admiration.

Cry in your dream points to death. You may be deceived into doing or believing something. You are lacking love. Your dream is an omen for an imbalance or some struggle in a personal situation or business matter. You need to be more alert and pay attention to what is going around you.

Someone dream signals your tendency to pass judgment on others. You are afraid of feeling unneeded or abandoned. You need to stop and relax. Your dream denotes your personality traits, behaviors and habits. You are on the verge of an emotional outburst.

Die in this dream is a portent for rejection and insecurity. You are being deceived or manipulated. You are being mislead into thinking that everything is okay when it is not. This dream is a harbinger for your one-sided viewpoints. Something that may seemingly be insignificant may actually be causing much troubles or hindrances.

The dream about crying someone who died symbolizes a profound sense of grief and loss that you may be experiencing in your waking life. It reflects your deep connection and attachment to the person who has passed away, and the sorrow that resides within you. This dream reveals your strong emotional nature and your ability to deeply empathize with others. Your capacity to feel such intense sadness highlights your compassionate character and caring heart. It is crucial to allow yourself time to mourn and grieve, for these emotions are a natural response to loss. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this period, and surround yourself with loved ones who can offer support and understanding. This dream serves as a reminder to honor your emotions and take the necessary steps towards healing.

Dreaming of Cry and Someone and Die

Dream About Crying To Someone is a portent for longevity and long term goals. You are keeping your feelings inside. You are questioning someone’s action. Your dream is a message for your desires for a more gratifying and exciting life. You are in emotional turmoil.

Dream About Someone Die stands for harmony in your life. You need to maintain a happy median between what is ahead for you in the future and what you left behind in the past. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. Your dream symbolises helplessness. Your girlfriend/boyfriend and you no longer share common goals.

Dream about Crying Someone Died stands for loss or a fear of losing a loved one. You will achieve success through underhanded means. You want to be different. The dream is a premonition for growth and motivation. You are feeling alienated and alone.

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I dreamt of my late younger sister and I was crying heavily as if she just died. In the dream I wished she had a child before dieing and thought I would have taken great care of the child physically she didn’t have one before she passed.


I dreamt that my ex husband died. I found him in a carriage with many other but i identify him. His was wrapped in a string linen mummy cloth.

Abhishek A

I dream about a girl who was pregnant and died infront of me due to an accident. And after that i started crying very badly. What does that mean?


i had a dream that my little brother got diagnosed with cancer and he was going to die and i couldn’t stop crying in the dream although everyone around me was trying to act normal for his sake. (in real life he doesn’t have cancer)


In my dream actor Clint Eastwood being my father and he was dying in my arms as i held him. He was saying his farewell to me and I was hysterically telling him he can’t die yet because I have no one else to help and guide me with important decisions in my life. Before he died he told me that i should or that i am going to become an accountant.


I dreamt that one of my close friend died from sickness in a hospital (I don’t remember my reaction) and a couple days later my mother died suddenly as well. When I got to know it I felt my heart breaking and broke down crying.


I dreamt about my young cousin, i am trying to save him on a car that was spinning but unfortunately he rolled over by his head on the pavement. I was crying for him out loud and when i wake up, i felt heart broken.


Dreaming that 2 of my close cousins drowned and I was crying none stop

Rona Rodriguez

I dreamed of crying over a loss of a child. I was wailing…


My sister in law died 2 years ago and I saw her in my dream she was crying because in my dream her sister had died, I was trying to console my sister in-law in my dream.


My son died and blood was coming out of his mouth


I dreamed I was crying and screaming at my husband because he was dying in front of me


I dreamt that my sister had died (she’s alive) however I was bawling and woke up in tears.


I dreamt that one of my sibling died and I cried so much.

Kory Nance

I dream someone died like a friend and I seen the body. But later someone told me in the dream my father died and I tried to all him and no ring and then in started crying but kept running by myself in front of people in my house I never seen before


someone dreamt about me. They explained that i was being wheeled away on a stretcher bed unconscious, they said i had a headache and they cried in the dream and woke up whilst crying


I had a dream that am crying over my late dead mother and in the dream i cried twice, heavy tears very sorrowful i was kneeling down crying while holding a wire fence

Mario Sanchez

I dream I got a msg that a good female friend of mind die and I was crying


I dreamt my ex-boyfriend’s wife came to me for comfort after her mom had passed away. She was crying and I was hugging her, comforting her.

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