The dream about a computer reflects frustration in your waking life. This frustration may stem from a desire to be more productive and efficient in your work or daily tasks. The computer symbolizes the tools and resources that are available to you to achieve your goals. Your dream may be urging you to find new ways to enhance your productivity and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. The feeling of detachment you experienced in your dream is a result of your subconscious mind highlighting the need to detach yourself from unproductive habits or distractions that hinder your progress. Embrace this detachment as a positive opportunity for growth and welcome change into your routine. You possess a strong determination and an innate ability to adapt, which will enable you to overcome any frustrations and achieve immense success in your endeavors.
Dream about Computer signifies some ensnaring and controlling force. You are undergoing a difficult and tumultuous time. You are feeling jarred or shaken-up by something or someone. The dream is about your literary aptitude. You might have feelings for a person.
Computer signals a need for cleansing. You are exposing yourself to danger. Opportunities are shut off to you. The dream is a portent for the difficulty you are experiencing in some situation. Perhaps you do not have time to socialize during the day.
Dream about Computer [a machine for performing calculations automatically] hints your own feelings of insecurity. You are making a minor life-changing decision. You need to prioritize and reorganize aspects of your life. This dream points at difficulty in breaking through or getting your point across to someone. Your primal desires and repressed emotional urges are coming to the surface and needing to be satisfied.
Dream about Calculator [an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)] is a metaphor for your curiosity, your subconscious thoughts and your need to express them. You are laying the groundwork for some major groundwork. You need to be more cautious in some situation. This dream signals obstacles in your business or personal life. You are trying to protect yourself against something.
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“I dreamt that I took my desktop computer for repairs because the battery wasn’t working.
After the engineer fixed it, I paid the repair fee, which felt expensive, but I was relieved that the computer was working again.
I then started testing the ROM to ensure everything was functioning properly when I woke up
Saw about 5 functioning desktop computers on the table working but only one keyboard was connected to one of them and my step brother was using that particular one. I asked about the other keyboards he answered me less concerned, he doesn’t know. I however make up my mind on getting a functional keyboard to control my computer
Saw my brother was using his computer and his computer got wiped off of his software application and he needed to install new operating system. I saw him installing new software as I left
I see a computer system in a shelf . I went to it and shut it down . I walkup uneasy.
I had a dream that left me feeling uneasy. In the dream, I owned a computer, but a stranger who seemed to be like my uncle found out that I was doing something illegal on it. He seized the computer and was about to throw it away. In desperation, I turned to the person around me and asked for suggestions on what to do because I couldn’t afford to lose my computer.
I was in the dream I saw myself repairing a system that seemed to have issues and and another person brought a fone that I should fix while I was still repairing the system. I had people around me then, then I left came back and saw the owner fixing it himself and acted like he doesn’t want me to take the money for the work so he entered a bike and left so I went up with the food I bought to eat at a garden or resort ended up not eating it there.
I was working with alot of geeks in computer engineering we were giving a task to setup alot of computer. So from there I knew a a friend who later turn very popular socially in my country and at the end she recognized me and we had fun together took pictures. Then I had an encounter when someone trying to bring food for me and it fell and broke. And I was saying to them in the dream that what ever they Did to the food is what caused it to fall down. So I decided it’s time I start feeding myself