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Dream about coffin

Dreaming about a coffin represents closure, symbolizing the end of a chapter in your life. It suggests that you have recently experienced a significant change or are about to embark on a new phase, filled with fresh opportunities and growth. Although the thought of closure can evoke fear and uncertainty, it is important to remember that with every ending comes a new beginning. Your fear may stem from the unknown, but your courageous and adaptable nature will guide you through any challenges that may arise. Use this dream as a reminder that you possess the strength to overcome any obstacles and embrace the transformative journey ahead.

Dream about Coffin is about emotional tension or your need for emotional release. You feel you are being criticized unfairly. You are not really expressing how you really feel. The dream signifies your insecurities about your brain power. You are overly concerned about how you come across to others and how they see you.

Coffin is a harbinger for how your buttons are being pushed by someone. There is something that you need to get out of your head. You may have been taking some things for granted. This dream expresses some embarrassing situation. You need to be more in tune with your spiritual side.

Dream about Coffin [box in which a corpse is buried or cremated] is a metaphor for your anxieties and concerns about your own inhibitions. You are shutting out someone who you were previously close to. Perhaps you are expressing desires of blending in and not standing out. The dream is sometimes your raw emotions or immoral behaviors. Your subconscious feelings may be surfacing.

Dream about Coffin [place into a coffin] is sometimes a desire to cry out about something. You are attempting to disguise a situation and refusing to see it as it really is. You may be questioning the decisions you have made. Your dream is a metaphor for a resolution to a problem. You tend to keep your feelings contained and in check.

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