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Dream about coach

Dream about Coach points to your flirty tendencies. You may be overly conscious about your appearance and beauty. You may be putting your thoughts in order and getting your facts straight. This dream states your fragile or vulnerable state of mind. Perhaps you have been hurt recently.

Coach hints your carefulness and your cautious attitude. You want to enjoy life and not worry about your daily responsibilities. Are going around in circles. The dream is a sign for a part of your subconscious mind where you have kept your fears and problems hidden. Your mind is preoccupied with financial and money matters.

Dream about Coach [(sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team] is an evidence for a burning desire. You are afraid that you are not measuring up. You are trying to shut out somebody or some aspect of your life. The dream draws attention to fear. You need to have more precision in the goals that you are reaching for.

Dream about Coach [a person who gives private instruction (as in singing, acting, etc.)] indicates your responsibility and commitment to another person or situation. Perhaps you have recently stumbled upon some information that was not meant for your eyes. You have cooled off from some heated argument. The dream suggests the results of your creativity and hard work. You are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading.

Dream about Passenger Car [a railcar where passengers ride] is an emotional breakdown. You are well nurtured and well care for. You are just going along with whatever decisions are being made. This dream symbolises the roles you play in your life and the various acts and personas you put on. You need to be more in tune with your spiritual side.

Dream about Coach [a carriage pulled by four horses with one driver] points at how you are coasting through life. There is something just under the surface that you need to acknowledge. Perhaps you are doing too much thinking and not taking action. Your dream is a portent for dissatisfaction and an unpromising outlook. You may be trying to convey a message to a person.

Dream about Bus [a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport] states your untapped resources. You are afraid of letting others get to know the real you. Perhaps something has made you emotionally numb. This dream is a symbol for your tendency to bear pain in order to please others. You are in denial or are rejecting an aspect of yourself.

Dream about Coach [teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports] is a hint for worldly issues. Perhaps you are trying to look innocent. You are headed down an undesirable path. Your dream represents your aggressive or sadomasochistic tendencies. Perhaps you need to have your spirits uplifted.

Dream about Coach [drive a coach] draws attention to your emotional needs or urges. You are being pulled toward the depths of your subconscious. You are getting wound up over some issue. The dream means your need for security. You need to get rid of what you no longer need.

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I saw a young man who messed things up and returned to his coach. The coach was furious about the mess and beat him for his actions. As the coach drew out a sword to punish him further, a young boy stepped in and apologized on his behalf. This calmed the coach down.

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