The dream about being in class signifies a sense of anticipation and excitement for the future. This dream suggests that you have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to expand your understanding of the world. You are eager to learn and develop new skills, which is truly admirable. Your passion for education reflects your proactive and ambitious nature, and it is this attitude that will lead you to great success in life. Although you may experience occasional stress when faced with new challenges, remember that it is a natural part of growth. Embrace these moments as opportunities for personal development and know that your unwavering determination will help you overcome any obstacles along the way.
Dream about Class means how you manipulate your surroundings. You need to resolve issues of the past in order to be able to make a clean, new start for yourself. You are afraid of not fitting in. Your dream is your nervousness or irritability about something. Perhaps you need to pamper yourself.
Class is about the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects of yourself. You are being taken advantage of in some situation. You have been entrusted with a special message or secret. This dream indicates your disconnection from reality. May be it is time to go in for your doctor check up.
Dream about Class [a collection of things sharing a common attribute] indicates your own insecurities about your appearances. Perhaps you have been hiding the pain for so long that you forgot what pain feels like. You may be feeling under pressure. This dream is a hint for your personal goals or an opportunity that is within your grasp. Your personal space has been violated.
Dream about Class [a body of students who are taught together] means your feelings of superiority over others. You are feeling unwanted, lost, or out of touch with society. You approach situations or problems with both hostility and unstoppable determination. Your dream signals some situation or issue that you need to tend to. You may need to do some soul searching and self-improvement.
Dream about Class [people having the same social, economic, or educational status] points at your feelings of regret or remorse. You can hide your feelings well. You are overcoming your fears. This dream draws attention to sadness. Perhaps, you are too concerned about how you appear to others.
Dream about Course [education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings] is a message for spreading the word of God. You need to chill-out or calm-down. You don’t need to be afraid to turn to someone for help. This dream hints the end of a cycle, aging or death. You are experiencing some pressure at school.
Dream about Class [a league ranked by quality] is a harbinger for some emotional of physical need that you are currently lacking in your life. You are experiencing some inner turmoil and need intervention. You need to get your life in order. The dream refers to your self-identity or financial security. Perhaps you are moving too fast.
Dream about Class [a body of students who graduate together] symbolises your readiness for an upcoming task or event. You have a handle on a situation or control on an issue. You are fixated on the negative aspects of your life. The dream represents the end of a cycle, aging or death. Perhaps you are looking for an outlet to express your raw emotions.
Dream about Class [(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders] states mental and intellectual expansion. You are carrying too many responsibilities. You are taking everything too personally. The dream is a harbinger for the many obstacles, setbacks and delays that you will need to overcome as your move toward your goals. You are laying out a firm foundation for you and your family.
Dream about Class [elegance in dress or behavior] is an omen for your anxieties about being able to protect and provide for your family. You need to take time out and pamper yourself. You need to somehow find a way to break a circle that you are in. The dream stands for your eating habits and that you need to add certain nutrients to your diet. You need to be more open or friendly.
Dream about Classify [arrange or order by classes or categories] signals endurance, durability, livelihood and longevity. You are regressing into childlike behavior. Perhaps you are being mislead. The dream refers to the point where the conscious mind meets the subconscious. You are hiding from something.
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I dreamt I was taking a class among others, and the lady sitting behind me kept taunting me. At one point, she pushed my chair and desk so close that I had no space to sit.
Furious, I smashed her desk and chair, threw away her books, and even her food. She tried to spin the narrative, but the teacher had seen everything and told me that I shouldn’t have taken immediate revenge.
Then, I saw my mom’s friend sitting in a corner, calling us over. I explained what had happened with clear points and evidence. The girl still tried to twist the story, but the proof against her was undeniable.
I was in class, filling out a book with boxes (our ID’s). I was hoping to see my friend. Sitting in the front row, I looked back and saw my friend sitting on the row behind me. We made eye contact for a few seconds, and he had an anticipatory expression. I quickly turned around and angrily banged my right fist on the table. The ginger guy next to me was shocked and commented on it. I joked that I wished the table was made of glass so it would shatter, but he didn’t like the joke.
The leaflet featured both of my science classes, but I was the only one from mine, occupying about a quarter of it in the top right. The rest were from the other class, with who I hung out because I was popular. I was happy I was popular and everyone knew me and was nice to me. There were also some exercise bikes. They found my class boring except for me and one person. I even thought my friend from my class was boring.
I was transferred to a different class next to mine and my friends were there the thing is it felt like I volunteered to be transferred to that class so I’m with my friends but at the same time I feel anxious about my decision