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Dream about cat dog fighting

Dream about Cat Dog Fighting hints your need to release and channel your emotions. Your mindlessness have put you in harm’s way. You are looking for a career and have set high goals for yourself. Your dream indicates some emotional issue. You are giving up on something that you had once believed.

Cat in your dream symbolises conflict and confrontation. You are becoming too dependent on others and using them to get what you want. You lose something. The dream signifies some sort of advice or message from your subconscious. You are making a situation more difficult than it need by.

Dog dream is a metaphor for something that you are holding onto for too long. You have relapsed back to your old habits and ways. You need to learn to cut ties with those who are not supportive of you. Your dream is a hint for low self-esteem. You need to recognize your spiritual needs.

Fight in this dream hints your acceptance for the consequences of your actions. You will find yourself in some embarrassing or compromising position. You are being rewarded for your past efforts. Your dream is a message for feelings of being unwanted or unloved. You need to cleanse your emotions and rid yourself of all the negativity you are experiencing in your life.

Dreaming of Cat and Dog and Fight

Dream About Cat Dog expresses your desires for more emotional freedom/expression and self power. You are denying your emotional urges and needs. Others are drawn to you. The dream indicates a message from the Holy Spirit and spreading the word of God. You are so focused on your responsibilities that you are neglecting your own feelings and needs.

Dream About Cat Fight signals completion and creativity. You need to confront your weakness and stand up to the challenges ahead. You are looking at things from a whole new perspective. This dream suggests your creative self and your ability to manipulate how you want to be perceived. You feel that you are being rammed by a situation or decision.

Dream About Dog Fight is longevity, continuity, or fearlessness. You need to reconnect with a person in your life. You are putting on an act. Your dream is a message for a patriarchy. You want a friend who you can share your feelings with, who you can be open with and who you can talk to about anything.

Dream about Cat Dog Fighting is a symbol for renewal and purification. You have achieved something which you thought you could not do. You want to escape the grind of your occupation. The dream is about your responsibility in keeping and holding a situation or relationship together. You really need to confront and explore your unconscious.

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