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Dream about cassava

The dream about cassava symbolizes grounding and stability in your life, dear dreamer. Just like the cassava plant, which grows deep into the earth, this dream suggests that you have a strong foundation and are deeply rooted in your values and beliefs. It signifies that you have a solid support system and the ability to stay grounded even in the face of adversity. Your feeling of nostalgia in this dream may be connected to the sense of security and comfort that you derive from your past experiences. Embrace this feeling of nostalgia and use it as a reminder of the resilience and strength you possess within yourself. Remember, dear dreamer, you are capable of weathering any storm that comes your way.

Dream about Cassava is an omen for a state of tranquility. You need to look at a situation/relationship from a different perspective or angle. You may be going through a period of stress in your life. This dream symbolises your family ties. You are trying not to let certain things bother you, but it is eating away at your subconscious.

Cassava is an omen for your ongoing projects. You are trying to get someone to reveal certain information or secrets. You volunteer for something or are a volunteer. The dream suggests a stage in your own personal growth and development where you are on your way, but have not yet reached your goal. Perhaps you need to incorporate some new aspects into your own character.

Dream about Cassava [a starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant; the source of tapioca; a staple food in the tropics] hints a time where you had less responsibilities and less worries. Someone in your life is in need of love and acceptance. You feel unprepared. This dream is a portent for your patriotism and devotion to country. Perhaps you feel that you are stuck or that you are in a hopeless situation.

Dream about Cassava [cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca] is a metaphor for excess and sensuality. Fate is literally in your hands now. Perhaps it is your feelings that you are trying to understand. Your dream is a metaphor for your need to organize and sort your thoughts. You need to make some fundamental changes to your character.

Dream about Cassava [any of several plants of the genus Manihot having fleshy roots yielding a nutritious starch] is a symbol for your forgiving or yielding support system. You need to be more vocal and voice your ideas. You are highly connected to your intuitive senses and psychic power. The dream is an indication for depression and sadness. You are not doing all that you can.

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Chiemelie Asiegbu

I saw where many people packing cassava in my dream


I dream about unpilled cassava, someone came and drop it,later came back to collect his money for the Cassava,we are talking about prices,I woke up

Donna Loko

I dreamt telling my cousin sister to help packing cassava in bag and follow me.


I was peeling and eating cassava with husband and friend, then friend told me to become breasts to my husband


Dreamt buying alot of very nice cassava and peeling it all from the selling point


I dreamed about fermented casava.


I dream buying cassava from a woman and I carry the cassava going i was tiered and meet a girl and the girl help me carry off the cassava


dream of two persons giving me two Big bags of mature uprooted casava.