Dream about Book indicates the sun, resurrection and immortality. You need a new or better vantage point on something. Something in your life may not appear as it seems. Your dream refers to repressed thoughts, death and dreaded expectations. The information that you are receiving from others is being filtered.
Book suggests financial hardships. You are trying to fulfill your needs and desires. Something or someone is looking out for you. The dream symbolises firm and concrete ideas or plans that are being set into motion. Perhaps someone or some situation is literally driving you crazy.
Dream about Book [a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)] is a signal for the search for Self. You need to stand up for yourself. You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. The dream points at you to not take your personal liberties and independence for granted. You are trying to hide or blend into the background.
Dream about Book [physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together] is a symbol for anxiety and distress arising from a peculiar situation. You need to tailor your actions or behavior in order to fit in. Through deeper understanding of yourself, you find commonality and shared experiences with others. Your dream is an evidence for your stubbornness. You have obtained your wishes and wants through underhanded tricks.
Dream about Record [a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone] expresses looming danger. You may be trying to connect to unknown aspects of your subconscious. Perhaps you feel that you are stuck or that you are in a hopeless situation. The dream is an evidence for unresolved issues that you are not confronting. You need to focus on some important or urgent issue.
Dream about Script [a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance] expresses a slippery or elusive situation. You are suppressing some old habit or denying yourself of something. You need to endure the difficult times before you can enjoy the good times. Your dream points to the need to be sheltered or protected from life’s problems. You are trying to move on to the next phase or stage without accomplishing all the necessary steps.
Dream about Ledger [a record in which commercial accounts are recorded] signifies your alertness. You have many options to weigh and decisions to make. Your subconscious is calling you a chicken. The dream suggests an aspect of your life where you need a little assistance. You are looking for some guidance.
Dream about Book [a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game] stands for security and reinforcement. You are feeling victimized. Perhaps you need to let go of a bad relationship. The dream signals your ongoing projects. You need to learn to ask for help and accept assistance.
Dream about Book [a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made] states aspects of yourself that disgusts and repulses you. You are grappling with a problem in your personal or professional life. Perhaps, you should cease what you are doing and pay closer attention to some situation. The dream represents luck, spring, femininity and youth. Your subconscious is trying to pull you in so you can address the issues that you have been refusing to confront or acknowledge.
Dream about Koran [the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina] signifies indecision; you cannot make up your mind about something. You don’t care what others think of you. You feel stuck in some area of your life. Your dream is an indication for your inner desires to live without having to worry about financial and material troubles. A situation may look tempting and inviting, but it is in actuality very difficult to handle and control.
Dream about Bible [the sacred writings of the Christian religions] is an omen for a situation that is in need of repair or attention. There is something just under the surface that you need to acknowledge. You need to carry on the same course. This dream is sometimes your romantic tendency and or your desire to romanticize everything. You need to be aware of developing heath problems.
Dream about Book [a major division of a long written composition] is a clue for unresolved issues that you are not confronting. You need to cherish your time spent with friends. You are looking for some sort of connection. This dream suggests your attempts to change something about your character. You have relapsed back to your old habits and ways.
Dream about Book [a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge] is a sign for fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or status in life. There is a lesson that you need to acknowledge from a former relationship and apply it to a current life situation. You will be deeply hurt as a result of envy and jealousy. Your dream is an evidence for your goals and your go-getter attitude. You are being careless.
Dream about Book [engage for a performance] points to your desire to escape from the pain of reality instead of confronting them. You need to be more cautious. Your vision is being impaired or clouded by something or someone. Your dream is a portent for your emotions, whether you are frigid, emotionally cold, warm, or hot. You are open to criticism.
Dream about Reserve [arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance] is a symbol for temporary and fleeting worries. You need to get to the bottom of some situation and look within yourself for the answers. Someone is trying hard to communicate their thoughts to you. The dream hints your easy going attitude toward a relationship. You need to learn to appreciate the things you have.
Dream about Book [record a charge in a police register] is some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize. You are preoccupied with some complex issue and are not sure how to handle it. You have a command over your emotions and are confronting some feelings and inhibitions that you have repressed. This dream is a signal for some sort of entitlement. You may be dealing with issues of creativity and self-expression.
Dream about Book [register in a hotel booker] is an omen for a small lapse in judgment. A situation or relationship is in need of some damage control or attention. You are holding onto an earlier part of yoru life where you felt more depended on and more needed. This dream states your humbleness. You are feeling victimized.
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I saw a friend who was fat in real life and rarely wears gown becomes slim and in gown sit slightly on a guy lap while she open and reads from an exercise book whose ink was blurred
I saw a book next to my bed and I was given some advice to think like a man.
I dreamt,I will reading an economic textbook.The book was so interesting that I really enjoyed reading it.Then I checked who the author was, it was my elder sister that was the author of the book.Then I ask her, how were you capable of writing such great book, she said the easiest way was to do some stuff, she ask me to show my hand, then she pour some pink liquid on my hand.
The liquid was testing sweet, and she said I should leave the liquid on my hand for about 5 mins.Then will get knowledge
I saw a guy sitting on a chair and holding a book. I saw the word Brooklyn written on the front cover
I got a dream about giving a boy i know who is in 8th class (i am in 7th) a computer textbook to borrow.